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2012年09月17日 22:01  点击:[]

题目:Writing in simple language with consistency, coherence and clarity
题目:Writing science papers for top-tier international journals
作者介绍:李平教授是国际权威语言学期刊Bilingualism: Language and Cognition主编,Frontiers in Language Science副主编,及Journal of Neurolinguistics等多家学术期刊的编委,为20多种SSCISCI期刊审稿数百篇。曾任美国最大科学研究基金会国家科学基金会National Science Foundation)两个部门负责人。为多个国家和地区的高级别基金会以及国际知名出版社评审项目,其中包括香港研究资助局,美国国家科学院、美国国家科学基金会及荷兰科学研究组织、牛津大学出版社、Lawrence Erlbaum Associates出版社等等。主持或者共同主持近30个大型项目,获得科研经费近六百万美元。
李平教授现任美国宾州州立大学心理学系和语言科学研究中心教授,Society for Computers in Psychology主席,宾州州立大学神经科学项目主任以及大脑、行为与认知科学中心主任等等。主要研究领域包括认知神经科学、心理语言学、双语及神经网络计算机模型等。在国际知名出版社出版英文专著或编著共计10部,国际权威刊物及各学科百科全书或专集发表文章百余篇。
Maximizing the impact of your research: citations, impact factors, and quantity vs. quality of work
Having success with research proposals: Basic techniques
Ping Li received his undergraduate education at Peking University,China and his graduate training from the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, the Netherlands, and obtained his Ph.D. in 1990.He subsequently didpostdoctoral research at the University of California, San Diego, at the Center for Research in Language and McDonald Pew Center for Cognitive Neuroscience. He took a faculty position at the Chinese University of Hong Kong between 1992 and 1996,and subsequently moved to the University of Richmond, where he became Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science. He is currently Director of the Penn State University Park's Graduate Program in Neuroscience, Co-Director of the Center for Brain, Behavior, and Cognition, and Professor of Psychology, Linguistics, and Information Sciences and Technology.
Li's research focuses on computational and neural bases that underlie the acquisition and representation of native and non-native languages. He uses behavioral, computational, and neuroimaging tools to study human linguistic behavior. He has published widely in the areas of psycholinguistics, bilingualism, and cognitive neuroscience. His research has led to over 100 publications, including books such as The Acquisition of Lexical and Grammatical Aspect (co-authored with Yasuhiro Shirai, 2000, Mouton de Gruyter), The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics (three volumes co-edited with colleagues, 2006, Cambridge University Press), The Expression of Time (co-edited with W.Klein, 2009, Mouton de Gruyter), The Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism (co-authored with François Grosjean, 2012, Wiley), and Having Success with NSF: A Practical Guide (co-authored with Karen Marrongelle, 2012, Wiley). He is Editor of the journal Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Associate Editor of Frontiers in Language Science, and President of the Society for Computers in Psychology. He has served as Program Director for the Cognitive Neuroscience Program and the Program in Perception, Action, and Cognition at the US National Science Foundation (NSF), as well as principal investigator,co-investigator, or consultant for many projects funded by the NSF.
For more information about his research and background, visit

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