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2012年08月14日 10:26  点击:[]

2012年4月27日下午,我校“云山学者”、加拿大女王大学程李颖教授在我中心演示厅进行了题为Research Problems: Statements, Questions, and Hypotheses的讲座,这是程李颖教授今年在我校举行的首场讲座。

据悉,程李颖教授将在我中心进行为期四周的学术活动,并为我校硕、博士研究生作survey research design/analysis系列讲座,具体安排是:

1. Week 1

· April 27 (Friday): Research Problems: Statements, Questions, and Hypotheses

2. Week 2

· May 3 (Thurs.): Survey Research: Questionnaire Design

3. Week 3

· May 7 (Monday): Survey Research: Questionnaire Analysis

· May 9 (Wed.): Survey Research: Conducting Focus Group Discussions

· May 10 (Thursday): Public lecture: Are they taking the same test: Impact of Large-scale Literacy Testing on Second Language Students?

4. Week 4

· May 14 (Monday): Survey Research: Conducting Interviews

上一条:冉永平教授主持的国家社会科学基金项目结项 下一条:我中心第九届博士生学术研讨会顺利召开
