Dr Nick Saville
Cambridge English Language Assessment
Nick Saville is a member of the Cambridge English Senior Management Team and is responsible for directing the work of the Research and Validation Group. He holds a PhD from the University of Bedfordshire in language test impact, as well as degrees in Linguistics and in TEFL from the University of Reading. He has specialised in language assessment since 1987. Before joining Cambridge in 1989, he taught at the University of Cagliari, Italy, and managed test development projects in Tokyo. Nick has close involvement in European initiatives, such as the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and related ‘toolkit’, and represents Cambridge English in theAssociation of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE).His current research interests include: the development of models for investigating test impact; the implementation of quality management systems (QMS) in test development and validation; the uses of language assessment for migration and citizenship purposes; and the use of language corpora in test development and validation. He is a member of the Cambridge team responsible for co-ordinating the English Profile Programme and in setting up the University’s Institute for Automated Language Teaching and Assessment. The latter involves the building of large learner corpora and the application of computational linguistics and machine learning in developing automated tutoring and assessment systems. Nick presents regularly at international conferences and has published widely on issues related to language assessment. He was a founding associate editor of the journal Language Assessment Quarterly (2004 onwards) and is the joint editor of the English Profile Studies series.
John H.A.L DeJong
Barry O’Sullivan Head of Assessment Research & Development,British Council Professor Barry O’Sullivan is currently working with the British Councilin London as Head of Assessment Research & Development. His recent workincludes the design, development and validation of a placement test to be usedby the British in their centres across the world and the design, developmentand validation of a new business to business language test called Aptis.Barry is particularly interested in issues related to performance testing,test validation, test-data management and analysis and scaling and calibration;he has conducted research into factors affecting spoken performance, assessingrater behaviour, assessing speaking and writing, specific purpose assessment,benchmarking English language tests to the Common European Framework of Referencefor Languages and standard setting in professional contexts. Barry’s publications have appeared in a number of international journalsand he has presented his work at international conferences around the world.‘Issues in Business English Testing’, was published by Cambridge UniversityPress in 2006; ‘Modelling Performance in Oral Language Testing’ was publishedby Peter Lang in 2008; ‘Language Testing: Theories and Practices’ was publishedby in 2011 and ‘The Cambridge Guide to Language Assessment’ (with C. Coombe, P.Davidson, and S. Stoynoff, eds. ) was published by Cambridge University Pressin 2012. He is currently working (with C. Weir) on a major project documentinga history of language testing within the British Council.In addition to his work in thearea of language testing, Barry has taught in Ireland, England, Peru and Japan.
程李颖教授现任加拿大女王大学教育学院终身教授和博士生导师。她曾求学于西安交通大学、英国雷丁大学、香港大学,并分别获得英语语言教育学士、英语外语教学硕士和第二语言/外语语言测试博士。她先后任教于西安交通大学、香港大学、香港公开大学、加拿大女王大学,并在加拿大阿尔伯达大学教育心理系应用测试及评估/英语第二语言研究生项目研究中心做Killam博士后研究。程李颖教授主要致力于语言测试的研究,在国际学术界广受认可,在几个国际性杂志担任编委和评审员,包括Language Testing,Language Assessment Quarterly,International Journal of Testing,并任Canadian Academic English Language Assessment (CAEL)顾问和Test Review Editor for Language Testing编辑。她研究课题主要包括大规模测试对教育的影响,课堂评估与课堂教学的关系,关于来自世界各地移民到加拿大的学生和专业人才在学术上和专业技能上的文化适应。2000年至今,程李颖博士共获得研究经费100万加币,并在国际性会议上报告130多次,在国际学术刊物发表论文超过85篇,其中包括同行审评的国际权威学术期刊,如Language Testing,Language Assessment Quarterly, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education。她近期出版的专著English Language Assessment and the Chinese Learner(《英语测试与中国学生》),Language Testing: Revisited(《语言测试:重新认识》),Changing Language Teaching through Language Testing(《通过语言测试改变语言教学》),Washback in Language Testing: Research Contexts and Methods(《语言测试的后效作用:研究语境和方法》)。
刘建达教授1987年于江西师范大学获英语语言文学学士,留校任教;1994年毕业于广州外国语学院并获语言学与应用语言学硕士,留校任教;2004年毕业于香港城市大学并获语言学与应用语言学哲学博士;2004年师从桂诗春教授,在广东外语外贸大学进行博士后研究,2006年出站。2006年任英语教授,2007年任博士生导师。现为广东省高等学校"千百十工程"省级学科带头人培养对象。曾任广东外语外贸大学教务处处长,现任广东外语外贸大学副校长,全国人文社科重点研究基地、外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心主任。刘建达教授主要研究方向包括语言测试和语用习得。曾主持的研究课题为"语言测试中的不确定行为研究"(教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大研究项目)。代表论著有 Measuring Interlanguage Pragmatic Knowledge of EFL Learners(德国Peter Lang出版社出版)。主要论文包括"Developing a pragmatics test for Chinese EFL learners"(Language Testing)、"Assessing EFL Learners' interlanguage pragmatic knowledge" (Reflection on English Language Teaching)、"成段改错考了什么?"、"学生英文写作能力的自我评估"、"话语填充测试方法的多层面Rasch模型分析"、"语用能力测试中外老师评卷对比研究"(《现代外语》); "话语中Please的语用分析"(《外国语》);"测试方法对阅读测试的影响"、"学生英语语用能力测试"(《外语教学与研究》)等等。 2003年于英国获国际语言测试学会颁发的最佳论文奖,2008年获广东省外语学会颁发的科研一等奖,2009年获广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖。现担任Applied Linguistics, Language Learning, Language Testing和Pragmatics and Language Learning 等国际权威学术刊物的审稿专家。