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Dr. CAI Hongwen

2013年10月29日 12:19  点击:[]

Field of study:language assessment

Recent publications:

Cai, H. (2013). Partial dictation as a measure of EFL listening proficiency: Evidence from confirmatory factor analysis.Language Testing 30(2), 177-199.

Bewley, W. L., Lee, J. J., Jones, B., & Cai, H. (2013). Assessing cognitive readiness in a simulation-based training environment. In H. F. O'Neil, R. S. Perez, & E. L. Baker (Eds.)Teaching and measuring cognitive readiness(pp. 253-278). New York, NY: Springer.

Cai, H. (2013). Effects of ability grouping on students’ achievement in EFL listening.Modern Foreign Languages, 36(3), 301-307. (In Chinese:蔡宏文,2013,分班教学对英语听力进步幅度的效应,现代外语,36(3),301-307。)

Conference presentations:

Cai, H. (2013). An MFRM approach to subskill divisibility in diagnostic language assessment. Paper presented at the 35th Language Testing Research Colloquium, July 3-5, Seoul, South Korea.

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