International Conference on Language Testing andAssessment
(Guangzhou,China; November 28-302015)
You are invited to present at the
International Conference on LanguageTesting and Assessment
An international conferenceheld by
National KeyResearch Center for Linguistics & Applied Linguistics
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China
co-organized with
National Education Examinations Authority
Ministry of Education in China
Conference Theme
Development of foreign language proficiency testingand assessment system
Topics for proposal
Topics for proposal include but are not limited to:
1、Development ofscales of foreign language proficiency
2、Criteria forforeign language assessment
3、Reform of foreign language examinations in China
4、Formative assessment in foreign language teaching
5、Criterion-referencedforeign language teaching and assessment
Invitation to participate
Professionalsand scholars from all language-testing contexts worldwide and all relatedfields are invited to submit proposals to present at the 2015 InternationalConference on Language Testing and Assessment.
Invited Plenary Speakers:
Prof. Nick Saville
Prof. John de Jong
Prof. Liying Cheng
Prof. Shichun Gui
Prof. Jianda Liu
Content of proposals:
lName of the author
lInstitution name
lAn abstract within 500 words,
lInformation for correspondence (email address,telephone number).
Deadline for submission:September15, 2015
Venue:GuangdongUniversity of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou , China
Conference fee:800 Yuan;500 Yuan for students (accommodation not covered)
Email Address for submission:lta2015@126.com
Conference website:http://clal.org.cn/lta2015
Liaisons:020-36207201Ms. Liu
National Key Research Center forLinguistics & Applied Linguistics
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,China