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Professor XU Hai

2015年04月02日 09:30  点击:[]





Academic Background    

PhD in Linguistics,  Guangdong U niversity  of Foreign Studies, 2006  

MA in English Language and Literature,   Xiamen University , 1998  

Visiting Scholar, ENCAP, Cardiff University, 2011-2012  

Visiting Scholar, Department of English, Queen's University, Canada, 2003-2004  


Research Interests    

vocabulary research, lexicography, applied linguistics, English for academic purpuses  


Selected Publications    

Cheng, G., & Xu, H.* (2025). Chinese EFL Learners’ Conceptual Combination of English Noun–Noun Compounds: Effects of Relational Information and English Proficiency. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. (SSCI, Q1)

Li, L., Xu, H.*, & Zhang, X. (2025). Creation and Application of an Academic Spoken Collocation List. TESOL Quarterly, 59(1), 518-528. (SSCI, Q1)

Chen, X., Xu, H.*, & Zhang, X. (2025). Foreign Language Writing Enjoyment: Conceptualization, Sources, and Measurement. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 22, 35-63. (SSCI, A&HCI)  

Tang, Z., & Xu, H.* (2024). Challenging Stereotypes and Celebrating Family Bonds: Analysing the Representation of Older Adults in the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary. International Journal of Lexicography, 37(4), 404-421. (SSCI, A&HCI)

Feng, Y., & Xu, H.* (2023). The Treatment of Argument Structure Constructions in Online English Learners’ Dictionaries: The Case of V N ADJ ASCs. Lexikos, 33(1), 207-226. (SSCI, A&HCI)  

Hao, J.,  Xu, H.*, & Hu, H.  (2022). A Multimodal Communicative Approach to the Analysis of Typography in Online English Learner’s Dictionaries. International Journal of Lexicography, 35(2), 234-260. (SSCI, A&HCI)  

Cheng, G., & Xu, H.* (2022). Treatment of the Way-Construction in English-Chinese Learners’ Dictionaries: A Construction Grammar Approach. International Journal of Lexicography, 35(1), 107-128. (SSCI, A&HCI)  

Zhao, D., Xu, H.* (2022). Improving the Compilation of English–Chinese Children's Dictionaries: A Children's Cognitive Perspective. Lexikos, 32, 49-65. (SSCI, A&HCI)  

Zhang, S., Xu, H.*, & Zhang, X. (2021). The Effects of Dictionary Use on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition: A Meta-analysis.International Journal of Lexicography, 34(1), 1-38. (SSCI, A&HCI)  


Li, L., Xu, H.*, & Zhang, X. (2020). Exploring the Role of Phraseological Knowledge and Syntactic Knowledge in L2 Listening Comprehension. Lingua, 248, 1-13. (SSCI, A&HCI)

Xu, H., Lu, X., & Brezina, V. (2019). Acquisition of the Chinese Particle le by L2 Learners: A Corpus-based Approach. In X. Lu & B. Chen (Eds.), Computational and Corpus Approaches to Chinese Language Learning (pp. 197-216). Singapore: Springer.

Chen, H., & Xu, H.* (2019). Quantitative Linguistics Approach to Interlanguage Development: A Study Based on the Guangwai-Lancaster Chinese Learner Corpus. Lingua, 230, 1-15. (SSCI, A&HCI)

Dai, Y., Wu, Z.,* & Xu, H.* (2019). The Effect of Types of Dictionary Presentation on the Retention of Metaphorical Collocations: Involvement Load Hypothesis vs. Cognitive Load Theory. International Journal of Lexicography, 32(4), 411-430. (SSCI, A&HCI)

Hu, H., Xu, H.*, & Hao, J. (2019). An SFL Approach to Gender Ideology in the Sentence Examples in the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary. Lingua, 220, 17-30. (SSCI, A&HCI)

Huang, J., & Xu*, H. (2019). Reflections on the Making of the Grand dictionnaire chinois-français contemporain. Lexikos, 29, 324-338. ((SSCI, A&HCI)

Xu, H. & Lou, Y. (2015). Treatment of the Preposition to in English Learners’ Dictionaries: A Cognitive Approach. International Journal of Lexicography, 28(2), 207-231. (SSCI, A&HCI)      

Li, L. & Xu, H. (2015). Using an Online Dictionary for Identifying the Meanings of Verb Phrases by Chinese EFL Learners. Lexikos, 25, 191-209. (SSCI, A&HCI)         


Xu, H. (2013). Phraseological Dictionary English-German: General Vocabulary in Technical and Scientific Texts. International Journal of Lexicography, 26(2), 239-243. (SSCI, A&HCI)       


Xu, H. (2012). A Critique of the Controlled Defining Vocabulary in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Lexikos, 22, 367-381. (SSCI, A&HCI)  


Xu, H., Yuan, K., & He, J. (2012). A Study of English Learners’ Dictionaries.   Beijing   : Foreign Language Teaching and Researrch Press.  


Xu, H. & McAlpine, J. (Eds.). (2010). Dictionary of Canadian English. (English-English, English-Chinese).    Beijing   : Commercial Press.


Xu, H. (2008). Exemplification Policy in English Learners'Dictionaries. International Journal of Lexicography, 21(4), 395-417.


Xu, H. & McAlpine, J. (2008). Anglophone, Peewee, Two-four... Are Canadianisms Acquiredby ESL Learners in Canada?.TESL Canada Journal, 26(1), 11-30.


Xu, H. (2007). Effectiveness of Presentation Models of Ditransitive Constructions in English-Chinese Learner’s Dictionaries. Modern Foreign Languages, 30(3), 221-230.


Xu, H. (2005).Treatment of Deictic Expressions in Example Sentences in English Learners’ Dictionaries. International Journal of Lexicography, 18(3), 289-311.  


Research Grants    

PI, "A Hisotry of English-Chinese/Chinese-English Dictionaries in the Early Period", supported by the National Social Science Fund of China (Grant No. 22BYY010)

PI, "Slef and the Other: the National Images in Englishe Learners' Dicitonaries", supported by the Philosphy and Social Science Foundation of Guangdong Pronvince of China (Grant No. GD21CWY04)    


PI, "L2 Processing and Acquisition of English and Chinese Paradox Constructions", supported by the National Social Science Fund of China (Grant No. 15BYY062), completed; 


Co-PI (with Dr. Richard Xiao and Dr. Vaclav Brezina at Lancaster University), "The Corpus-based Approach to the Acquisition of Mandarin Chinese as a Foreign Language", surpported by      British    Academy   IPM Scheme (Grant No. PM120462), completed;  


PI, "Formulaicity in English: Theories and Application", supported by the MOE Project of Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities in    China   (Grant No. 12JJD740010), completed;  


PI, "A Study of English Learners' Dicitonaries", supported by the MOE Project of Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities in    China   (Grant No. 06JJD740007), completed.  

Academic Services  


Co-Editor-in-Chief (2017-):  Lexicography: Journal of ASIALEX

Editorial Board Member (2019-): International Journal of Lexicography

Advisory Board Member (2024-): Lexikos

President (2021-2023):  The Asian Association for Lexicography (ASIALEX) 









