ZHANG Qingwen
Ph.D, MA, BA
Address:TeachingBuilding8, Rm 213
Baiyun Dadao Bei 2
Centre for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,
Guangdong University of Foreign Stidies
Tel:86-20-3620 7481
Fax:86-20-3620 9276
TheHong KongPolytechnicUniversityPh.D
BeijingLanguage andCultureUniversityMA
Zhang, Qingwen. 2007. Yueyu dechengdufucigamzai‘almost’ (The Degree Adverbgamzai‘almost’ in Cantonese, refereed paper).In Zhang Hongnian, Zhang Shuangqing and Chen Xionggen (eds.)Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Yue Dialects(《第十届国际粤方言研讨会论文集》).Beijing:ChineseAcademyof Social Sciences Press.306-318.
Zhang, Qingwen & Liu Huijuan. 2008. ‘Zung…tim’ zhende qin ru yi jia ma (Is ‘zung…tim’ a Discontinuous Constituent, refereed paper) ?In Shao Jingmin (ed.)The New Exploration to Chinese Dialectal Grammar in 21stCentury(《21世纪汉语方言语法新探索》).Guangzhou:JinanUniversityPress.218-229.
Zhang, Qingwen &Liu Huijuan.2008.Yueyu “zung…tim” xingzhi chuyi (On the Nature ofZung4…tim1inCantonese).Hanyu Xuebao(《汉语学报》).No. 3, 33-43.
Zhang, Qingwen. 2009. “V+ge+XP” jiegou zhong de “ge” de yufa diwei (The Grammatical Status ofgein V+ge+XP Construction),Modern Language Studies(《现代外语》) No. 1,13-23.
Zhang, Qingwen.2009.Weicixing chengfen de fengbixing yu “chabuduo” he “chayidian” de yuyi chanshi(The Closedness of Predicate and the Semantic Interpretation of “chabuduo” and “chayidian”).Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue(《世界汉语教学》)No 2, 160-176.
Zhang, Qingwen. 2009.Yueyu de fushu xingwei zhuangyuyat tsi gwo(The Pluractional Adverbialyat tsi gwoin Cantonese),Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Yue Dialects(《第十三届国际粤方言研讨会论文集》). Hong Kong: Language Information Sciences Research Centre, City Univeristy ofHong Kong. 447-460.
Zhang, Qingwen. 2010. Lianxici yu lianjieci shuping(A Review ofLinkers and Relators).Contemporary Linguistics(《当代语言学》). 80-83.
Zhang, Qingwen & Sze-Wing Tang. 2011. Lun xiandai hanyu de liangzhong butong baoliu binyu ju (On two types of retained object constructions).Foreign Language Teaching and Research(《外语教学与研究》) No. 4, 512-528.
Conference Presentations:
Zhang, Qingwen, Sze-Wing Tang and Joanna Sio. 2011. Classifier reduplication,dou‘all’ and distributive quantification. Symposium on Language Diversity and Quantification.Guangzhou:GuangdongUniversityof Foreign Studies.
Zhang, Qingwen & Huayong Lin. 2011.Gamin Lianjiang Yue dialect and its related phrasesgamsek/gamsiandgamzuodo. The 16th International Conference of Yue Dialects. Hong Kong: TheHong KongPolytechnicUniversity.
Zhang, Qingwen & Huayong Lin. 2011. A locative phrase inLianjiang Yuedialect andTai’andialect. The 11th Workshop of Cantonese.Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Zhang, Qingwen & Huayong Lin. 2011. Similarities and differences: the comparison of the nominal phrases in 4Yuedialects. The 11thWorkshop of Cantonese.Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Zhang, Qingwen and Sze-Wing Tang, 2010, Classifiers and Definiteness across Chinese Dialects. Workshop on Definiteness. Hong Kong: TheChineseUniversityofHong Kong.
Zhang, Qingwen, Sze-Wing Tang and Joanna Sio, 2010, Distributive phrases across Chinese dialects. The 16th Symposium on Modern Chinese Grammar. Hong Kong:CityUniversityofHong Kong. June 8-10.
Zhang, Qingwen and Sze-Wing Tang, 2010, Cl-NP phrases in five Chinese dialects. The 18thAnnual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics and the 22ndNorth American Conference on Chinese Linguistics.(IACL-18 & NACCL-22). Massachussetts,Cambridge:HarvardUniversity. May 20-22.
Zhang, Qingwen, Sze-Wing Tang and Joanna Sio, 2009, Classifier reduplication and distributivity in Mandarin, Cantonese and Kaijian dialect. Annual Research Forum of Linguistics Society ofHong Kong.Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Zhang, Qingwen & Sze-Wing Tang.2009. The Referentiality of Cl-N phrases in Vernacular Dialect of Hezhou, Guangxi. International Conference on Chinese Dialects and the 15thAnnual Conference of Chinese Dialects Association). Macau:UniversityofMacau.
Zhang, Qingwen & Sze-Wing Tang.2009.Two Types of Retained Object Construction in Modern Chinese. The Fifth International Conference on Contemporary Chinese Grammar. Hong Kong: TheHong KongPolytechnicUniversity.
Zhang, Qingwen, Sze-Wing Tang and Joanna Sio. 2009.Classifier reduplication anddistributivity in Cantonese and Mandarin.The 17thAnnual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics.Paris:Centre de Recherches Linguistiques surl’Asie Orientale.
Zhang, Qingwen. 2008. The Quantifiergwoin Cantonese. The 13th International Conference of Yue Dialects. Hong Kong:CityUniversityofHong Kong.
Zhang, Qingwen. 2008. The comparison betweenyicixingin Mandarin andyat tsi gwoin Cantonese. The 4thInternational Conference on Chinese Dialectal Grammar. Quanzhou:QuanzhouNormalCollege.
Zhang, Qingwen. 2007. The comparison ofchabuduoin Mandarin andgamzaiin Cantonese. The 4thInternational Conference of Chinese Grammar.Wuhan:HuazhongNormalUniversity.
Zhang, Qingwen & Huijuan Liu. 2007.Can the Pre-/post-verbal AddPs andtim1inCantoneseform a Discontinuous Construction?The 6thWorkshop on Cantonese (WOC-6). Hong Kong:CityUniversityofHong Kong.
Zhang, Qingwen & Huijuan Liu. 2006.Is “zung…tim” a Discontinuous Construction? The 3rdInternational Conference onChinese Dialectal Grammar.Guangzhou:JinanUniversity.
Zhang, Qingwen. 2006.Scalar Modification and Nominal Predication in Mandarin Chinese. The 11thConference of Contemporary Linguistics ofChina.Tianjin:TianjinNormalUniveristy.
Zhang, Qingwen. 2006. On the “V+ge+VP” Construction. The 14th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics.Taipei: Academia Sinica.
Zhang, Qingwen.2005.On the “V+ge+XP” Construction. Annual Research Forum of Linguistics Society of Hong Kong 2005.Hong Kong:CityUniversityofHong Kong.
Zhang, Qingwen. 2005. The Degree Adverbgamzai. The 10thInternational Conference onYueDialects. Hong Kong: TheChineseUniversityofHong Kong.
Zhang, Qingwen, Fang Li, Thomas Hun-Tak Lee, Yang Xiaolu. 2005.The Acquisition of Sentence Final Particles in Mandarin Chinese.The 13thAnnual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics.Leiden, theNetherlands:LeidenUniversity.
Zhang, Qingwen. 2004.The Syntax and Semantics of Nominal Predication in Mandarin Chinese.The 12thAnnual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics.Tianjin:NankaiUniversity.
Zhang, Qingwen and Fang Li. 2003. The Acquisition of Sentence Final Particles in Mandarin Chinese. The 2ndYueluInternational Workshop on Language Acquisition.Changsha:HunanUniversity.
2012-present. Principal Investigator. The National Key Discipline Project at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies “The database of nominal phrases across Chinese dialects”.
2010-present. Principal Investigator. MOE Project “A Contrastive Study of Quantification in Chinese and English” (10JJD740010) at the Centre for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,GuangdongUniversityof Foreign Studies.
2008-2010. Research Associate. Research Grant Committee (RGC) of the Hong Kong Special Administive Region (HKSAR) funded Project “A Comparative Study of Definiteness in Chinese Dialects” (POLYU/CUHK B-Q02H).
2003-2005. Research Assistant. Research Grant Committee (RGC) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Competitive Earmarked Research Grant (CERG) Project “The Acquisition of Word Order and Argument Structure: Its Relevance to the Continuity Hypothesis” (City U 1245/02H).
Academic Services
2012. Coordinator and editor of the Academic Forum “Studies on Formal Linguistics”, Journal ofGuangdongUniversity of Foreign Studies.
2011. Organizer. The Fifth International Conference on Formal Linguistics.Guangzhou:GuangdongUniversityof Foreign Studies.
2011. Organizer. Symposium on Language Diversity and Quantification.Guangzhou:GuangdongUniversityof Foreign Studies.
2008. Co-organizer of the 5th Postgraduate Research Forum on Linguistics. Hong Kong: TheChineseUniversityofHong Kong.
2008. Co-organizer of the RGC Postgraduate Students Conference “Adverbial Clauses, Operator Movement and Subject Omission from a generative linguistic perspective”. Hong Kong: TheHong KongPolytechnicUniversity.
2008. Student Representative. Faculty Research Committee, Faculty of Communication,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
2007. Organizer of the 4th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics (TEAL-4). Hong Kong: TheHong KongPolytechnicUniversity.
Studies in Chinese Linguistics
Modern Foreign Languages(《现代外语》)
Monograph on Attributive Particles in Chinese.