Professor Yuan Chuanyou
Phone: 13600061593
Professor of English, PhD in linguistics and applied linguistics,
Supervisor of PhD and MA students in forensic linguistics.
l Guangdong University of Foreign Studies: Professor of English
l GDUFS Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics: Researcher
l GDUFS Center for Business and Legal Discourse Studies: Director
l GDUFS Center for Forensic Linguistics: Director
l China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese, Forensic Linguistics Division: Director
l The International Association of Forensic Linguists: Past Ordinary Member on the Executive Committee (2013-2017)
Fields of Research
² Forensic Linguistics
² Systemic Functional Linguistics
² Legal Discourse Studies
Research Interests:
² Forensic Discourse Analysis
² Multimodal Discourse Analysis
² Public Legal Discourse Analysis
² Legitimation Code Theory
Research Projects
l National Research Project: Multimodality in New Media Public Legal Education Discourse
l Provincial Research Project: A Corpus-based Study of Forensic Discourse
Key Methodologies
l Corpus-based Study
l Systemic-Functional Approach
l Multimodal Analysis
l Discourse Analysis
Journal Articles
Lu N. & Yuan C., Legal reasoning: A textual perspective on common law judicial opinions and Chinese judgments, Text & Talk, Accepted 2020.04 (correspondent author)
Yuan C., S. Zhang & Q. He, Popularity of Latin and Law French in Legal English: A corpus-based disciplinary study of the language of the law, Linguistics and Human Sciences, vol 14.1-2 2018 151–174 2020.02
Yuan C. A battlefield or a lecture hall? A contrastive multimodal discourse analysis of courtroom trials, Social Semiotics, 29:5, 645-669 2019.10
Luo Xing & Yuan Chuanyou, An analysis of preliminary assessment discourse of community correction, Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 30:2, 39-47 2019.03 (correspondent author)
Tao Jun & Yuan Chuanyou, The metaphorical appraisal in Chinese crime news reports, Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University, 25:6,30-41 2018.11 (correspondent author)
Zheng Jie & Yuan Chuanyou, Multimodal discourse Construction of the defendant’s identity in community correction pre-trial social investigation and evaluation, Journal of Political Science and Law, 35:4 62-69 2018.08 (correspondent author)
Yuan Chuanyou, Book Review of Language and Law: A resource book for students, The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law (2017: 1)
Zhao, Y & C. Yuan, A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Corporate Homepages: A hypermodal approach, International Journal of Linguistics (2016: 8)
Jiang, X. & C. Yuan. A research on the Synergy of Different Modes in Business Discourse, Applied Linguistic Studies (Vol.2), Higher Education Press (2016)
Yuan Chuanyou & Hu Jinfen. 2012. Punishing crimes: An analysis of appraisal resources in public prosecution’s statements [J]. Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 23: 55-59.
Yuan Chuanyou & Hu Jinfen. 2011. An adaptation analysis of engagement resources in lawyer representation [J]. Languages Teaching and Linguistic Studies 3:87-94.
Yuan Chuanyou. 2010. Construction of multimodal information and cognition model from teaching and learning practice [J]. Research in Teaching 33: 50-55.
Yuan Chuanyou. 2010. A tripartite model of multimodal information and cognition: Trial application on the teaching and learning of legal English [J]. Shandong Foreign Language Teaching Journal 137: 10-18.
Yuan Chuanyou & Liao Zexia. 2010. On the Implicit Persuasion of Rhetorical Questions in Attorneys’ Pleading [J]. Modern Rhetoric 160: 24-30.
Yuan Chuanyou. 2010. Speech accommodation in investigation interrogations [J]. Journal of Jilin Radio and TV University 104: 13-15.
Yuan C. 2009. Avoiding Revictimization: Shifting from Police Interrogations to Police Interviewing in China [J]. International Journal of Speech Language and the Law 16: 293-297.
Yuan, Chuanyou. 2008. Interpersonal meanings in police interrogations: An appraisal-engagement perspective [J]. Modern Foreign Languages 31: 141-149.
Yuan, Chuanyou. 2005. Construction of Chinese Police Caution System on the Basis of Discourse Analysis of Police Caution in USA, UK and China [J]. Rhetoric Learning 127: 12-17.
Yuan, Chuanyou. 2001. My views on interdisciplinary construction and education administration at English department [J]. Research in Teaching 24: 50-55.
Conference Proceedings
Justice Must be Seen to be Done: An Empirical Study of Appraisal Resources in Chinese and Common-law Civil Judgments. IAFL09, VU University, Amsterdam, 2009. Unpublished.
Appreciate others’ beauty as well as one’s own: a contrastive multimodal discourse analysis of two courtroom trials. IAFL10, Aston University, Birmingham, 2011. In Proceedings of The International Association of Forensic Linguists’ Tenth Biennial Conference.
The best of times or the worst of times? (Micro-)blogging and multimodality in public legal education discourse in China. IAFL11, UNAM, Mexico City, 2013. Unpublished.
Visualizing ‘rule of law’ and ‘anti-corruption’ in cartoon animations: a multimodal analysis of public legal education discourse, IAFL 12, GDUFS, Guangzhou, 2015.
Towards Restorative Justice: Identity/Persona Construal and Empathy Regulation in China’s Community Correction Discourse, IAFL 13, Porto, Portugal, 2017.