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Professor OUYANG Huhua

2012年11月10日 08:59  点击:[]

Professor of English, Faculty of English language & culture, PhD supervisor

Research fellow in the National Center of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, GDUFS

Vice president, Anthropology Council on Education Association of China

Vice president, Teacher Education and Development Association of China

Standing committee member, English Writing Teaching Association of China

Associate editor,Linguistics and Education: An international research journal(Elsevier)

Myresearchinterestsevolve around anthropological studies of various practices of community characterized by the western civil society and Chinesedanwei(state-owned workunit) system in terms of issues such as leadership style, decision-making process, information circulation, rules of interpersonal interaction in public versus private spheres, community punishment and reward as control, ideology, face/power, group dynamics, and conflicts managements. My intent is to examine the impact of such various practices of communities at conflicts in the area of educational reforms that is presently going in China nationwide, and in internationalization of education with Chinese learners as the key concept. The application of my studies is to design and implement in-service teacher development programs that are culturally sensitive and adaptive and community grounded to those teachers who venture themselves into this highly risky and complicated process of education reforms in the Chinese context. The other field of my work is on revealing the insights of the conflicts and trauma experienced by Chinese background scholars in publishing internationally, and by Chinese research students in their supervision relation with Western scholars, and intervention programming.


2012 “Fairclough, Norman”. An entry in theEncyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley Blackwell.

2012 Dominant pedagogical approaches and diverse teaching conditions: Appropriating CLT in a Chinese university as a danwei community of practices.Applied Linguistics Review 2012; 3(2): 273 – 293

2011 Bamboo shoots after rain: Educational anthropology and ethnography in mainland China. Chapter 13. Edited by Kathryn Anderson-Levitt.Mapping Anthropologies of Education: A Global Guide to Ethnographic Studies of Learning and Schooling.New York: Berghaln Books.


2010 “单程票”:一个普通教师教改的真实故事.陈向明(主编),质性研究:反思与评论(第贰卷),重庆大学出版社Qualitative Research: Reflection and Review(Vol 2).

2006 Ouyang, Hu Hua & Shiyi, Tang. ‘你我不分’Authorial identity of Chinese college English learners in argumentative writings.Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages, Vol.29: No2: 49-53.

2004单位与公民社会的碰撞。Remaking of Face and Community of Practices.Beijing:Beijing University Press.

2003 Resistance to the Communicative Method of Language Instruction within a Progressive Chinese University. Chapter in Kathryn Anderson Levitt (Ed.)Local Meanings, Global Schooling: Anthropology and World Culture Theory. NY: Palgrave Macmillan. pp.121-140.

2000 One Way Ticket: A Story of an Innovative Teacher in Mainland China.Anthropology & Education Quarterly31 (4): 397-425.

Plenary speeches

2011 Dominant pedagogical approaches and diverse teaching conditions: Appropriating CLT in a Chinese university as a danwei community of practices. Invited Colloquia atthe AAAL conference, March 28, Chicago, US.


2009 Can-not, or will/dare-not? An indigenous approach to teacher development in China. Plenary speech atthe 3rdNational Conference on Teacher Education and Development in China. Southwest University, Chongqing, Dec 10-12.

2008Remaking of Communities of Practices: Understanding the socio-political implications of education reform in today's China. Invited speech at the11th Harvard China Review Annual Conference, March 29th, 2008, Harvard University.

2008 Hosting International Students’, and ‘Plagiarism’. Invited and sponsored talks at the6thEuropean Network for Ombudsmen in Higher Education (ENOHE), April 15-7, London.

2007 Understanding the Chinese Learners’ Community of Practices: An Insider-Outsider’s View. Keynote speech at theInternational Students, Academic Writing and Plagiarism Conference, Lancaster University Management School and the London School of Economics and Political Science, 5-7th September 2007, Lancaster, UK

2007 A Rogerian humanistic and Chineserenqinfeatured approach of teacher development in China. Plenary speech atThe second national conference on College English Teacher Development, Zhongshan University and Guangzhou University of Foreign Studies, May 4-6, Guangzhou, PRC.

2006 Understanding Chinese Learners’ Community of Practices: An Insider-Outsider’s View. Plenary speech ofthe international conference ‘Responding to needs of the Chinese Learners: Internationalizing the University’, June 15/6, Portsmouth, UK.

2005 Teacher chat, teacher develop. Plenary speech atthe first China College English Teacher Development conference. Zhongshan University and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, Aug 22-5.

2004 Contrasting communities of practices:DanweivsCivil Society. Keynote speech atthe Second International Symposium on L2 Writing: Teaching and Research. The division of scientific research and the school of English studies of Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an, China. 19-20, September, 2004.

2004 Contrasting communities of practices: A socio-cultural perspective for understanding Chinese learners’ difficulties in writing English. Invited and sponsored speech at the international conferenceQPR 2004: Re-Imagining Research Education, the University of Adelaide, Australia, 22-3, April, 2004.

2003 Towards a learner-, and learning-centered marking in the course of English Writing. Plenary speech atChina’s first national conference on ‘Write to Learn’: Teaching English Writing. National Institute of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics and Faculty of English Language & Culture, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Dec. 22-24. Guangzhou, China.

Public lectures

2011 “Ideal supervisors in Chinese supervisees’ eyes: an insider-outsider view”. And “Understanding Chinese students’ difficulties in learning to argue in English: a perspective of contrasting communities of practices”. Two public lectures at Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, June 1st, Hong Kong.

2009 Contrasting communities of practices: danwei vs civil society. Public lecture at City University of Hong Kong, Nov 11. Hong Kong.

2009 National Training Workshop on School English Teaching, sponsored by UNESCO, Oct 19-23, at Pyongyang, DPRK.

2008 A micro-politics sensitive approach to teacher empowerment in China. Public lecture at Cambridge University, April 24, UK.

2008 Towards a Learner/Learning-centered Marking in an English Writing Course. Public lecture at English department, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Feb 20, Hong Kong.

2007 Authoritarian decision maker, protector, and a caring mother? The ideal supervisors in the Chinese research students' eyes. Public lecture at Leeds University, Sept, 13, 2007. Leeds, UK.

2007 Cultures of learning: Chinese versus Western. A guest lecture at the Yale-China center, Chinese language center, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Feb, 23. Hong Kong.

2006 Understanding Chinese Learners’ Community of Practices: An Insider-Outsider’s View. A guest lecture for staff and graduate students, the Center for Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT), 20th July, Lancaster University, UK

2004 Ideal research supervision through Chinese students’ eyes: Explanations from communication processes in the public versus private spheres. Invited talk in Research Education Programs Unit of the Adelaide Graduate Centre, University of Adelaide. 21, April.

1998 English language teaching and educational reform in China: A cultural and ideological perspective. Invited seminar at the Georgetown University, 30, Nov. 1998, Washington, DC, USA.

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