On May 15th and 16th, 2021, the first Workshop of Eye-tracking Technique was organized by the Bilingual Cognition and Development Lab (the BCD Lab), Centre for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS). This workshop included not only a theoretical learning session but also a hands-on practice session. Almost 90 teachers and students from various faculties, including Faculty of English Language and Culture, School of Interpreting and Translation Studies, and School of Public Administration, have participated in this workshop.

The workshop started at 8:00 on the 15th. First, Prof. ZHAO Chen, the director of the BCD Lab, gave a welcoming speech to all the participants. This was followed by the theoretical learning session, instructed by Mr. SONG Changlin, an Eyelink engineer, and Dr. WU Xiaogang from Faculty of European Language and Cultures of GDUFS. Mr. SONG gave a brief introduction to the principles and development of the eye tracking technique, and demonstrated the programming and data processing of an eye tracking experiment. Dr. Wu gave a talk on the “Application of the eye tracking technique in linguistic research”, introducing how eye tracking technique is adopted in different research fields, such as psycholinguistics, language testing, translation, and child language acquisition.

The hands-on practice session arranged on May 15th and 16th was instructed by Mr. Song and assisted by Li Ren, a graduate student of the BCD Lab. The operation of the eye tracker was demonstrated step by step. Learners then took turns to practice using the eye tracker to collect data.

The Workshop of Eye-tracking Technique was well received among teachers and students at GDUFS. The learners have had heated discussion, both face-to-face and online, with the experts and fellow researchers. This workshop served as a platform for learning and exchange among teachers and students, and played an important role in promoting the communication among different disciplines and in stimulating scientific research development of the university.