The 11th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography
The 11th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography (ASIALEX 2017) will be held at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) in Guangzhou, China on June 10-12, 2017.
This conference will celebrate the 20th anniversary of ASIALEX. Being the host of the First International Conference of ASIALEX, we are very pleased to bring it back to this location for this landmark event after it has traveled around nine Asian countries and regions over the past twenty years.
To respond to the challenges of the corpus revolution and the digital revolution in lexicography, lexicographers, linguists, language professionals and publishers from across Asia and worldwide need to work together to share information, knowledge and experience, and to encourage innovation in lexicographic studies and practice. ASIALEX 2017 aims to providesuch a platform.
Conference Theme
The theme of ASIALEX 2017 is Lexicography in Asia: Challenges, Innovations and Prospects.We welcome proposals related (but not limited) to the following topics:
l electronic and digital revolution in lexicography
l corpus lexicography
l bilingual lexicography
l pedagogical lexicography
l specialized lexicography
l dictionary use studies
l dictionary and culture
l dictionary as discourse
l phraseology and lexicography
l neologisms and lexicography
l terminology and lexicography
l Chinese unabridged bilingual dictionaries: In memory of Prof. LU Gusun
Keynote Speakers
- Professor HUANG Jianhua (GDUFS, First President of ASIALEX)
- Professor Andrea Abel (EURAC, President of EURALEX)
- Dr. Julia Miller (University of Adelaide, President of AUSTRALEX)
- Dr. Michael Rundell (Lexicography Masterclass and Macmillan Dictionaries)
Abstract Submission
-The medium of the conference is English.
- Submissions should contain the following information:
² Title (maximum of 12 words)
² Name(s) of proponent(s)
² Affiliation of proponent(s)
² Email address
² Abstracts should be between 250 and 300 words, excluding references. Please refer to ASIALEX2017_AbstractTemplate
² Please use the following format as the filename of your abstract: Surname-Titlein .doc or .docx format (surname of the corresponding author only)
² Send the abstract as attachment to
²The subject should be: Surname-Title
Publication Opportunity
Proceedings of the papers presented at the conference will be edited. Some selected papers will be recommended to the refereed journal: Lexicography: Journal of ASIALEX.
Abstract submission deadline: March 1, 2017
Notification of paper acceptance: March 20, 2017
Deadline for early bird registration: April 30, 2017
Deadline for full paper submission: May 15, 2017
Conference dates: June 10-12, 2017
Conference Chair: Professor XU Hai