姓名 |
博士学位论文题目 |
导师 |
获学位时间 |
李绍山 |
Major Factors Affecting the Reading Processes of Chinese Learners of English 影响中国英语学习者阅读的主要因素 |
桂诗春 |
1992.6 |
陈思清 |
Grammar-Debugger: A Parser for EFL Learners 英语语法学习机 |
桂诗春 |
1993.6 |
张权 |
Towards Cognitive Exploration of Language Testing: Theory, Method and Practice 计算机认知测试:理论、方法与实践 |
桂诗春 |
1994.6 |
索玉柱 |
Bridging Inferences in Text Understanding: An English-Chinese Comparative Study 论语篇理解中的连接性推理——英汉比较研究 |
桂诗春 |
1996.6 |
常新萍 |
Research on EFL Learning in Chinese Secondary Schools: Nature of the Knowledge “Mastered” by Secondary School English Learners and Possible Factors Undergirding Their Attainment 中国中学外语学习研究——中学生最终获得的外语知识的本质及影响外语学习的因素的探讨 |
李筱菊 |
1996.6 |
曾用强 |
Understanding Causal Structures of a Text : Towards a Computer Process Model of Text Comprehension 语篇因果关系的理解——计算机模拟系统 |
李筱菊 |
1996.12 |
杜金榜 |
Computerized Diagnostic Testing of Reading 电脑化阅读诊断测试 |
桂诗春 |
1996.12 |
温宾利 |
The Syntax of English and Chinese Free Relatives 英语与汉语中的自由分句的句法 |
宁春岩 |
1996.12 |
薛忆沩 |
Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Chinese 概念隐喻理论与汉语 |
桂诗春 |
1997.6 |
卢植 |
A Cognitive Study of the Access Model of Disambiguating Modern Chinese 现代汉语歧义消除提取模型的认知研究 |
桂诗春 |
1997.6 |
章宜华 |
Active Dictionary: Lexical Meaning and Multidimensional Definition 积极型词典:语词的意义与多维释义 |
黄建华 |
1997.12 |
刘绍忠 |
Negative Pragmatic Transfer by Adult Chinese Learners of English as a Foreign Language: Classification, Distribution and Communicative Effect 中国英语学生的语用负迁移:类型、分布及其交际效果 |
何自然 |
1997.12 |
董燕萍 |
The Conceptual Organization of the Bilingual Mental Lexicon—The Shared (Distributed) Asymmetrical Model 双语心理词典的概念组织结构——共享(分布式)非对称模型 |
桂诗春 |
1998.6 |
何莲珍 |
Computerized Cognitive Adaptive testing 认知计算机适应性考试 |
桂诗春 |
1998.6 |
刘津开 |
Word Attack Strategies in the L2 Reading Process—A Comparative Study of Good and Poor Chinese EFL College Learners in Their Use of Strategies 外语学习策略——优差学生猜词策略的对比试验 |
李筱菊 |
1998.12 |
曾衍桃 |
Irony Understanding in Verbal Communication: A Pragma-cognitive Approach 言语交际中反语的理解——语用认知研究 |
何自然 |
1998.12 |
李军 |
The Effect of Chinese Causative Speech Acts 汉语使役性言语行为的取效研究 |
何自然 |
1998.12 |
蔡芸 |
A Lexicosemantic Perspective on Learnability of English Unaccusativity 从语汇语义结构分析英语无宾格动词的可习得性 |
宁春岩 |
1999.6 |
杨达复 |
Interlanguage Errors and Cross-linguistic Influence--A Corpus-based Approach to the Chinese EFL Learners’ Written Production 中介语错误与跨语言影响 |
桂诗春 |
1999.6 |
徐真华 |
Neologism and Its Social Implications 新词和社会的互动作用与影响 |
黄建华 |
1999.6 |
吴刚 |
The Syntax of Chinese Nominal Phrases 汉语名词性词组的句法研究 |
宁春岩 |
1999.6 |
吴益民 |
The Biprojection Hypothesis and Transitivity Alternations 双重投射假设与及物性变异 |
宁春岩 |
1999.6 |
陈新仁 |
The Pragmatics of Interactional Overinformativeness 会话应对中信息过量现象的语用研究 |
何自然 |
1999.6 |
许罗迈 |
NeuroTrans: A New Model for Connectionist Machine Translation 一个连接主义的机器翻译新模型:NewtoTrans |
桂诗春 |
1999.6 |
张文忠 |
Development of L2 Oral Fluency in the FL Classroom Setting 外语课堂环境下第二语言口语流利性的发展 |
宁春岩/吴旭东 |
1999.12 |
王虹 |
The Structure of Dramatic Dialogue and Its relation to Characterization: With Special Reference to John Osborne's Look Back in Anger 从John Osborne的《愤怒的回顾》看戏剧对话的应对结构与人物刻划 |
李筱菊 |
2000.6 |
杨萍 |
Identifying Indirect Responses—A Relevance-theoretical Approach 从关联论角度研究日常会话中的间接应答 |
何自然 |
2000.6 |
蔡小红 |
Process of Consecutive Interpreting and Competence Development—An Empirical Study of Consecutive Interpreting by Chinese-French Interpreters and Students of Interpreting 交替传译的过程及其能力发展——对法语译员和学生的交替传译活动进行实证性研究 |
黄建华 |
2000.6 |
邹启明 |
On-line Causal Inferences in L2 Expository Text Processing 英语论述文处理中的在线关联推论 |
李筱菊 |
2000.6 |
赵彦春 |
Theorizing the Cognitive Learner's Dictionary—A Cognitive Approach to Lexicography 认知学习词典理论构建——词典学的认知方法 |
黄建华 |
2000.6 |
冉永平 |
The Pragmatics of Discourse Markers in Conversation 会话中话语标记语的语用学研究 |
何自然 |
2000.6 |
陶原珂 |
On Relations between Definitions and Lexemses in Double systems: Based on a Comparison of CCD with COD 论系统中的词位与释义关系类型——以《现汉》与COD的比较分析为基础 |
黄建华 |
2000.6 |
伍雅清 |
Semantic and Syntactic Interpretation of Polarity Wh-Items and Wh-Quantification 特殊疑问词的语义与句法解释 |
宁春岩 |
2000.6 |
何晓炜 |
A Minimalist Approach to the Double Object Construction 双宾语结构的最简句法研究 |
宁春岩 |
2000.6 |
王文心 |
Ba Construction Revisited 再论“把”字结构 |
宁春岩 |
2001.6 |
陈鸿标 |
Looking for Better Chinese Indexes: A Corpus-based Approach to Base NP Detection and Indexing 寻找更好的汉语索引项:基于语料库的基本名词词组抽取和索引方法 |
宁春岩` |
2001.6 |
陈慧媛 |
Effects of Task Types and Task Conditions on L2 Written Production 任务类型与任务条件对二语写作的影响 |
李筱菊/吴旭东 |
2001.6 |
张新红 |
The Pragmatics of Chinese Refusals: an Adaptation-Based Approach 汉语拒绝语的顺应性研究 |
何自然 |
2001.6 |
马跃 |
Semantic Attainment Interlanguage: A Corpus-Based Study of Verb Uses Through Chinese L2 Learners' Written English Texts 中介语中的语义获得——基于语料库的中国学生英语书面语中动词使用情况研究 |
桂诗春 |
2001.6 |
宗世海 |
Types of Misunderstanding and Its Causes in Chinese Discourse 汉语话语中误解的类型及其因由 |
何自然 |
2001.6 |
于国栋 |
The Chinese/English Codeswitching as Realization of Linguistic Adaptation 英/汉语码转换的语用学研究 |
何自然 |
2001.6 |
许卓 |
Phonological Analysis of Hongkui To 宏魁土语音系研究 |
Jonathan Kaye |
2002.6 |
王蕴锋 |
L2 Learning of the English Passive by Chinese Learners 中国学生对英语被动结构的习得 |
王初明 |
2002.6 |
郑超 |
Nominal Constructions beyond IP and their Initial Restructuring in L2 Acquisition IP 外名词性结构及其在二语习得中的初始重组 |
王初明 |
2002.6 |
王家钺 |
Chinese Keyword Extraction by Term Positions 名物性短语的句法位置对中文关键词提取的影响 |
宁春岩 |
2002.6 |
莫爱屏 |
Bridging Reference in Chinese Discourse –A Pragmatic Approach 汉语话语中推理照应的认识语用研究 |
何自然 |
2003.6 |
何家宁 |
An Empirical Study of Dictionary Use by Chinese EFL Learners in Chinese-English Translation 中国英语学生在汉译英过和中词典的实证研究:大学汉英学习词典模式的构建 |
黄建华 |
2003.6 |
吴娜 |
Constructing Chinese Americans’ National Identity: Reading Kingston 's Texts 建构美籍华人的美国身份:解读金斯顿小说 |
毛思慧 |
2003.6 |
张京鱼 |
The Acquisition of Psych Predicates by Chinese-speaking Learners of English: A Semantic Salience Hierarchy Model 操汉语的英语学习者以理谓词的习得:语义突显层级模式 |
吴旭东 |
2003.6 |
刘绍龙 |
Researching L2 Word Knowledge Depth and Its Acquisition Pattern: A Cross-sectional Study of Chinese EFL Learners in the Classroom Setting 二语词汇深度习得模式研究——对课堂环境下英语学习者的横向研究 |
吴旭东 |
2003.6 |
徐章宏 |
A Pragma-Cognitive Approach to Metaphor Understanding 隐喻话语的语用认知研究 |
何自然 |
2003.6 |
李渝凤 |
The Other Looks: Interrogating Chineseness in Hollywood Cinema 1980-1999 他者的形象:质疑好莱坞电影中的华人形象(1980-1999) |
毛思慧 |
2003.6 |
吴亚欣 |
Pragmatic Vagueness as a Strategy in Chinese Verbal Communication 语用含糊:汉语言语交际中的策略 |
何自然 |
2003.6 |
唐玉柱 |
Existential Construction: A Minimalist Approach 最简方案下的存现句研究 |
宁春岩 |
2003.12 |
杨寿勋 |
A Combined Approach to Collocation Identification 英语词语搭配及其基于语料库的自动辨识 |
宁春岩 |
2003.12 |
霍永寿 |
Mitigation and Pragmatics as a Linguistic Regulation Theory: the Case of TCM Clinical Interviews 弱化与语用调节论:以中医诊断为个案 |
钱冠连 |
2003.12 |
李红 |
Semantic Processing : the L2 Lexical Competence Perspective 语义提取:基于第二语言词汇能力角度的研究 |
王初明 |
2004.6 |
申智奇 |
Deliberate Misinterpretation as a Pragmatic Strategy in Verbal Communication 刻意曲解:言语交际中的语用策略 |
何自然 |
2004.6 |
田兵 |
Sense Differentiation and Description—A Cognitive Semantic Study on Polysemous Words 义项的区分与描写:关于多义词的认知语义学研究 |
黄建华/章宜华 |
2004.6 |
陈宗利 |
The Syntax of Restrictive Relative Constructions 限定性关系结构的句法研究 |
温宾利 |
2005.6 |
钟书能 |
L2 Acquisition of English Nominalization by Chinese EFL Learners: A Cognitive Linguistics Perspective 中国英语学习者英语名词化习得的认知语言学实证研究 |
吴旭东 |
2005.6 |
薛常明 |
L2 Acquisition of Chinese Unaccusative Verbs by English-Speaking Learners: Testing on Unaccusative Trap Hypothesis 英语母语者对汉语非宾格动词的第二语言习得研究:检验“非宾格陷阱假设” |
吴旭东 |
2005.6 |
李占喜 |
Relevance and Adjustability: A Study of Translating Process in Cultural Image Renderings 翻译过程的关联——顺应研究:文化意象处理举偶 |
何自然 |
2005.6 |
丁少彦 |
The Construction of Meaning:A Cultural Study of the Representation of Women in American Magazine Advertising in 2002 意义的构成:从文化学角度研究2002年美国杂志广告中的女性形象再现 |
毛思慧 |
2005.6 |
彭保良 |
Representations of “Otherness” in Disney Animated Films 迪斯尼电影中他者身份的表现 |
毛思慧 |
2005.6 |
周保国 |
A Study of Chinese Learners' Interlanguage Knowledge of the English Articles 中国学生英语冠词过渡语知识研究 |
王初明 |
2005.6 |
马书红 |
The Acquisition of English Spatial Prepositional Semantics by Chinese EFL Learners 中国英语学习者对英语空间介词语义的习得研究 |
王初明 |
2006.6 |
徐海 |
Toward Prototypical Exemplification in English Learners’ Dictionaries 英语学习型词典典型词例的选取 |
黄建华 |
2006.6 |
王小海 |
Making Sense of ‘Sense’: A Cognitive Approach to Sense Division and Representation of Prepositions in Learner’s Dictionaries “义项”的解读:学习者词典中介词义项划分及其表征的认知方法 |
黄建华 |
2006.6 |
张淑玲 |
A Pragmatic Study of Deception as a Strategy in Verbal Communication An Adaptation-based Approach 言语交际中非真实性话语做为语用策略的顺应性研究 |
何自然 |
2006.6 |
于屏方 |
Towards a Frame Analysis of Activity Sememes 动作义位释义的框架模式研究 |
黄建华 |
2006.6 |
张丽萍 |
Lawyer Evaluation in Chinese Courtroom: A Social-semiotic Perspective 法庭话语中的律师评价研究:社会符号视角 |
杜金榜 |
2006.6 |
贺俊杰 |
Grammar Checking in a Combined Model 基于组合模式的语法检查:短语结构语法与依存语法之结合 |
桂诗春/曾用强 |
2006.6 |
王仁强 |
An Empirical study of POS Labeling in Chinese-English Dictionaries: A Cognitive Approach 认知视角的汉英词典词类标注实证研究 |
章宜华 |
2006.6 |
张立平 |
Morphological Effects on Word Order and Subject Omission: A Diachronic Study关于形态变化对语序及主语脱落影响的历时性研究 |
温宾利 |
2006.6 |
陈伟 |
Academic Reflection and Strategy Reconstruction : On the Skopos of Example Translation in E-C Dictionaries 学理反思与策略重构——英汉词典中例证翻译的目的性研究 |
章宜华 |
2006.6 |
武和平 |
The Acquisition of English Progressive Aspect by Chinese-Speaking L2 Learners: Towards an OT Account 以汉语为母语的英语学习者习得英语进行体标记的优选论解释 |
吴旭东 |
2006.6 |
武建国 |
Analyzing Interdiscursivity: Complexities and Tendencies in Contemporary Chinese Public Discourse 当代汉语公共话语中的篇际互文性研究 |
秦秀白 |
2006.6 |
张巨文 |
The Pragmatics of Small Talk as a Strategy in Verbal Communication言语交际中题外言谈策略的语用学研究 |
何自然 |
2006.6 |
陈开举 |
Reconstructing Images of Chinese Peasantry: A Cultural and Linguistic Study of Zhao Benshan’s Comic Sketches 1995-2000 重塑中国农民形象:赵本山1995-2000小品研究 |
毛思慧 |
2006.6 |
林文治 |
The Nature of Homophony Manipulated in Experiments on Visual Chinese Word Access 视觉汉语词汇识别实验中同音字的性质 |
董燕萍 |
2006.12 |
马萧 |
An Adaptation-Theoretic Account of Translation as Adaptive Variation 翻译顺应变异论 |
何自然 |
2006.12 |
孙利 |
Criminal Event Reconstruction in Witness Statements—A Study of Main Factors and Their Effects 证人证言对犯罪事实重现的主要影响因素及其影响效果研究 |
杜金榜 |
2006.12 |
刘洊波 |
Harmony out of Involutions Stylistic Idiosyncrasies of the Sound and the Fury 乱中求序——《喧哗与骚动》的文体特质 |
秦秀白 |
2007.6 |
王爱华 |
The Dimension View of Metalanguage and its Philosophical Stand 明达语言维度观及其哲学关照 |
钱冠连 |
2007.6 |
黄莹 |
A Study of Discourse as Social Representations in the Chinese Context: A diachronic Analysis of the New Year’s editorials in the People’s Daily 对表征中国社会的话语的研究:基于《人民日报》元旦社论的历时分析 |
陈建平 |
2007.6 |
孙肇春 |
The Eventuality of Mandarin Chinese汉语事体结构 |
温宾利 |
2007.6 |
杨婕 |
Evasion: The Interviewee’s Pragmatic Strategy in Chinese Economic News Interview 回避:汉语财经访谈中受访者的语用策略 |
冉永平 |
2007.6 |
李清华 |
The Impact of Portfolio-based Writing Assessment on EFL Writing Development of Chinese Learners 基于学生自选作文集的写作评估对中国学生写作能力的影响 |
曾用强 |
2007.6 |
刘莹 |
Phonological Awareness Skills and Acquisition of English Word Reading Skills by Chinese Children Learning English as a Foreign Language 中国儿童外语学习中的语音意识技能与英语单词认读技能的习得研究 |
董燕萍 |
2007.6 |
赵蓉 |
The Organization and Activation Process of Bilingual Phonological Representations: Evidence from Chinese-English Bilinguals 双语语音表征结构及其激活过程:来自汉英双语者的证据 |
董燕萍 |
2007.6 |
李光敏 |
A Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Strategy Use and Reading Comprehension 用结构方程模型解析阅读理解和阅读策略的关系 |
曾用强 |
2007.6 |
朱晔 |
Feedback Processing by Chinese EFL Learners: Interactions between Feedback Forms, Target Structures, and Task Conditions 中国英语学习者的反馈处理:反馈形式、目标结构与任务条件的交互作用 |
王初明 |
2007.6 |
左红珊 |
Processing of Unfamiliar English Verbal Idioms by Chinese-Speaking L2 Learners in Reading 以汉语为母语的英语学习者英语阅读中习语处理过程的研究 |
王初明 |
2007.6 |
程杰 |
An L-syntactic Approach to Chinese Denominal Verbs 对汉语名源动词的“构词-句法”研究 |
温宾利 |
2007.6 |
周晓岩 |
Recategorization of Passives: From Semantic and Syntactic Perspective 从语义和句法角度对被动句的再分类 |
温宾利 |
2007.6 |
袁传有 |
Avoiding Revictimization: Speech Shifting from Police Interrogations to Police Interviewing 避免二次伤害:从警察讯问到警察询问的言语转变 |
杜金榜 |
2007.12 |
兰春寿 |
Monologic Oral Test Tasks under Different Planning Conditions: An Argument-based Validation Approach 不同时间计划条件下的独白性口试任务 |
曾用强 |
2007.12 |
张新玲 |
A Construct Validation Research of the Writing Task in NMET (GD)—Text-based English Writing for Chinese EFL Learners 广东省英语高考写作考试题型构念效度验证:一项基于读写结合任务的研究 |
曾用强 |
2007.12 |
刘辉修 |
Lexical Synonymy in the Cognitive Semantic Frame—Discriminations of Near-synonyms in English Dictionaries for Chinese EFL Learners 认知语义框架下的词汇同义现象——中国学生英语学习词典同义词辨析研究 |
章宜华 |
2007.12 |
梁瑞清 |
The Aroma of Coffee: Exploring the Unsayability of Sensory Experience 咖啡的芳香:论感觉经验的不可说性 |
钱冠连 |
2007.12 |
卢仁顺 |
L2 Pragmalinguistic Development of Mitigation in Requests by Adult Chinese EFL Learners 中国成年英语学习者“请求”言语行为中缓和语的语用语言发展研究 |
王初明 |
2007.12 |
王敏 |
Syntactic Priming and L2 Learning of Grammar Constructions: Evidence from L2 Production of English Dative Constructions by Chinese EFL Learners 句法启动与第二语言语法构式学习:以中国英语学习者产出英语双及物构式为证据 |
王初明 |
2008.6 |
杨宁 |
The Psycholinguistic Research of Chinese Zero-anaphora Resolution 汉语零形回指消解的心理语言学研究 |
桂诗春 |
2008.6 |
江晓红 |
Understanding Metonymy: A Cognitive Pragmatic Perspective 转喻的认知语用研究 |
冉永平 |
2008.6 |
黄缅 |
Proximity: A Cognitive Pragmatic Study of Chinese Irony相邻关系—汉语反语的认知语用研究 |
徐盛桓 |
2008.6 |
赵晨 |
The Resolution of English Lexical Ambiguity by Chinese EFL Learners in Sentential Context 中国EFL学习者在句子语境中消解词汇歧义的认知模式 |
董燕萍 |
2008.6 |
李海辉 |
A Pragmatic Study of Mitigation in Television Interview Talks 电视访谈中话语缓和的语用研究 |
何自然/冉永平 |
2008.6 |
高育松 |
L2 Acquisition of English MC and Its Related Structures by Chinese and Korean Learners: Towards an Event Structure-based Account 中韩英语学习者对英译中动及其相关结构的习得:基于事件结构理论的解释 |
吴旭东 |
2008.6 |
褚修伟 |
Man Lives within Formulaic Speech Events: A Pragmatic Probe into Basic Forms of Human Life 程式性言语事件:人类基本生存方式的语用学研究 |
钱冠连 |
2008.12 |
王龙吟 |
A Pattern Grammar Perspective on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition 模式语法视角下的中国英语学习者二语产出性词汇发展——基于语料库的研究 |
何安平 |
2008.12 |
鲁守春 |
Towards a Minimalist Account of Resultative Constructions 述结结构的最简主义探索 |
温宾利 |
2008.12 |
张珊珊 |
Recasts and Second Language Development: Explicitness, Perception and Repair 重铸与第二语言发展:基于显性,感知和修正的研究 |
王初明 |
2009.6 |
何雪林 |
Biosemantic and Memetic View of Verbal Communication 论语言交际的生物语义模因观 |
何自然 |
2009.6 |
程杰 |
Pragmatic Adjustments in the Production of Chinese Lexical Repetitions 汉语词汇重复产出过程中的语用调整 |
冉永平 |
2009.6 |
杨竹 |
Differences in the Use of English Modal Adjunct Between Users from Different Cultural Backgrounds 不同文化背景的英语使用者使用英语情态附加语的差异 |
陈建平 |
2009.6 |
王加林 |
The Discursive Construction of Hong Kong Identity—A Critical Analysis of the Policy Addresses of the Hong Kong Governments Pre- vs. Post-Transition 香港回归前后香港政府施政报告对香港人身份的话语建构 |
陈建平 |
2009.6 |
李光泽 |
The Relationship Of Phonological Processing Abilities to Component Skills Of Reading Competence in Adolescent Chinese Learners of English 中国青少年英语学习者语音加工技能与阅读能力的关系研究 |
董燕萍 |
2009.6 |
刘齐生 |
A Politico-grammatical Perspective on the Structural Differences between Chinese and German Promotional Discourse—An Analysis of the Introduction Sections in the Brochures for Chinese and German Enterprises 汉德宣传性语篇结构差异的政治语法因素——汉、德“企业介绍”语篇研究 |
陈建平 |
2009.6 |
李金辉 |
Using Latent Semantic Analysis for Automated Essay Scoring in the Chinese EFL Context 使用潜伏语义分析理论研究计算机改中国学生英语作文 |
桂诗春 |
2009.6 |
韩金龙 |
The Construction of Writer Identity as Self-promotion in Academic Research Articles学术语篇中的作者身份构建与自我宣传 |
秦秀白 |
2009.6 |
谢元花 |
L2 Acquisition of English Raising Predicates by Chinese EFL Learners: An Integrated Parsing Model of Semantic Bootstrapping and Syntactic Bootstrapping 中国学习者对英语提升谓词的习得:语义启动和句法启动的综合分析模式 |
吴旭东 |
2009.6 |
杨梅 |
Second Language Acquisition of English Articles: An Interaction Account 英语冠词二语习得的交互阐释 |
王初明 |
2009.6 |
张宏 |
A Study of Exemplification in Pedagogical Dictionaries for Foreign Learners:A Case Study of Chinese English Dictionary 外向型学习词典配例研究——以《汉英双解词典》为例 |
章宜华 |
2009.6 |
张洁 |
Exploring Rating Process and Rater Belief—Seeking the Internal Account for Rater Variability 评分过程与评分员信念——评分员差异的内在因素研究 |
曾用强 |
2009.6 |
赵军峰 |
On the Information Structure and Its Linguistic Realization in Legal Discourse: A Chinese-English Contrastive Discourse Analysis 法律语篇信息结构及语言实现研究——汉英语篇对比分析 |
杜金榜 |
2009.6 |
戴仲平 |
Memetic Account of Language Deviation 语言偏离现象的模因论解释 |
何自然 |
2009.12 |
钟彩顺 |
A Discursive-psychological Study of Judges’ Judicial Behavior 法官司法行为的话语心理学研究 |
杜金榜 |
2009.12 |
胡春雨 |
Constructing the Interlanguage Model System: L2 Acquisition of Modality by Chinese EFL Learners 构建中介语情态系统——中国英语学习者的情态习得研究 |
桂诗春 |
2009.12 |
郑学丹 |
The Semantics and Syntax of Serial Verb Constructions 连动句式的语义、句法研究 |
温宾利 |
2009.12 |
徐曼菲 |
On Epistemic Stance Markers in Spoken English: A Multi-level Linear Perspective of Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis 英语口语的认知立场标记语探究———多层线性视角下的中介语对比 |
何安平 |
2009.12 |
廖开洪 |
The Pragmatics of Deliberate Ambivalence in Verbal Communication 言语交际中刻意含混的语用研究 |
何自然 |
2009.12 |
陈金诗 |
The Reconstruction of Prosecution-Defense-Judge Relationship: A Frame Analysis of Judges’ Courtroom Discourse Processing 控辩审关系的重构——法官庭审语篇处理的框架分析 |
杜金榜 |
2010.6 |
胡文飞 |
The Construction of Multidimensional Definition Model in Chinese EFL Learner’s C-E Dictionaries: A Lexicographical Study on Psychological Verbs 内向型汉英学习词典多维释义模式的构建:基于心理动词的词典学研究 |
章宜华 |
2010.6 |
曾涛 |
The Nature of Word Spurt—Early Lexical and Semantic Development of Mandarin-speaking Children 词汇飞跃的本质——汉语儿童的早期词汇与语义发展 |
李行德/王初明 |
2010.6 |
王晓鹰 |
Definition Model Based on Concept System for Terminology in Medical Dictionary基于概念系统的医学术语释义模式 |
章宜华 |
2010.6 |
马志刚 |
An Empirical Study on the L2 Acquisition of English Long Distance Questions by Chinese Learners of English:Interlanguage Syntactic Variability and the Hypothesis of Multiple Representations of Intermediate Copies 中国英语学习者习得长距离疑问句的实证调查研究:中介语句法变异性与中间拷贝多重表征假说 |
吴旭东 |
2010.6 |
贺文丽 |
Pragmatic Empathy in Chinese Verbal Communication 汉语言语交际中的语用移情研究 |
何自然 |
2010.12 |
武继红 |
A Cognitive Approach to the Lexicographic Representation of English-Chinese Learners’ Dictionaries 论搭配在英汉词典中认知化呈现 |
章宜华 |
2010.12 |
梁爽 |
How to Do Things with Others’ Words Pragmatic Recursion and Meaning Transformation across Interactions 如何借言行事:语用递归及言语交际链上的意义转换 |
钱冠连 |
2010.12 |
杨贝 |
Early Acquisition of Chinese Modal Verbs—A Case Study 汉语情态动词的早期习得——个案研究 |
董燕萍 |
2011.6 |
张群星 |
Mechanisms of Deverbalization in Consecutive Interpreting: An Experimental Study on Novice Interpreters 交替传译中脱离语言外壳的认知机制:基于学生译员的实验研究 |
董燕萍 |
2011.6 |
苏远连 |
Advanced Chinese EFL Learners' Development of L2 Metaphorical Competence in Instructed Conditions: A COM Hypothesis-based Account 教学条件下中国高级英语学习者二语隐喻能力的发展——隐喻生涯假说阐释 |
吴旭东 |
2011.6 |
赖小玉 |
A Pragmatic Study of the Impoliteness in Confrontational Disagreements in Chinese Contexts 汉语语境下对抗性反对中不礼貌现象的语用研究 |
冉永平 |
2011.6 |
龚双萍 |
A Pragmatic Study of Deliberate Evaluation in Military Interviews 军事访谈中刻意评价的语用研究 |
冉永平 |
2011.6 |
魏行 |
The Interactive Serial Processing Model: Evidence from the Processing of the Chinese Ambiguous Construction V NP1 de NP2 交互串行加工模型:来自汉语歧义构式V NP1 de NP2的加工证据 |
董燕萍 |
2011.6 |
梁红梅 |
Phraseology Teaching in English Coursebooks: A Lexical Grammar Perspective 词汇语法理论视角下EFL教材元话语中的短语教学理念探究 |
何安平 |
2011.6 |
徐优萍 |
Realization of Persuasion in Chinese Court Conciliation: The Discourse Information Approach 语篇信息视角下的中国法院调解说服实现研究 |
杜金榜 |
2011.12 |
袁芳 |
Argument Sharing in Chinese Pivotal Constructions: A Minimalist Approach 汉语兼语式中论元共享问题的最简方案研究 |
温宾利 |
2011.12 |
程粉香 |
Justifying the Interpretations about a Listening-to-retell Task in CELST in NMET (GD) 广东省英语听说考试复述任务的效度验证 |
曾用强 |
2011.12 |
李玉坤 |
Claiming Normalcy out of Abnormal Life: Discursive Self-Construction in the Narratives of Gay Men in China 为自我正名中国男同性恋叙述中自我的话语构建 |
陈建平 |
2012.6 |
蔡任栋 |
Different Predictions of Different Verbal Working Memory Spans on L2 Processing and Learning 不同语言工作记忆广度对二语加工及学习的不同预测力研究 |
董燕萍 |
2012.6 |
梁凤娟 |
A Study of the Cultural Differences in Stance in ELT Research Articles between American International and Chinese Local Academic Discourse Communities 中美学术共同体在英语教学研究论文中的立场表达之文化差异研究 |
陈建平 |
2012.6 |
张革承 |
A Critical Discourse Analysis on Chinese Women’s Ideological Positions in Their Narratives of Domestic Conflicts 中国女性家庭矛盾叙述中意识形态立场的评判性话语分析 |
陈建平 |
2012.12 |
刘平 |
A Pragmatic Study of Metapragmatic Expressions in Media Discourse: A Case of Argumentative TV Talk Shows 媒体话语中元语用表达的语用研究——以争辩性电视节目为例 |
冉永平 |
2012.12 |
黄永平 |
A Discourse Analysis of Lawyer Information Manipulation in Chinese Criminal Trials 中国刑事庭审中律师信息操控的话语分析 |
杜金榜 |
2012.12 |
何嫣 |
On the Syntactic Mechanisms of English Existential Constructions 论英语存现结构的句法机制 |
温宾利 |
2012.12 |
田启林 |
A Movement Approach to External Possession Construction 外部领有结构的移位生成研究 |
温宾利 |
2012.12 |
蔡激浪 |
The Syntax of Classifiers 量词的句法研究 |
何晓炜/温宾利 |
2012.12 |
高维 |
Effects of Frequency and Collocation Strength on Chinese EFL Learners’ Acquisition of Collocations: Towards a Usage-based Approach 搭配频率与强度对中国英语学习者搭配习得的影响:基于使用理论的视角 |
王初明 |
2012.12 |
徐睿 |
Development and Validation of Two Oral Interlanguage Pragmatics Instruments 中介语语用测试口语试题开发与效度验证研究 |
刘建达 |
2012.12 |
马军军 |
The Syntax of Chinese Aspect 现代汉语体的句法学研究 |
温宾利 |
2012.12 |
李跃凯 |
The Study of Evidence Challenge Modes: Mappings and Integrations of Courtroom Discourse Information 庭审质证模式研究——法庭语篇信息的映射与整合 |
杜金榜 |
2013.6 |
葛云峰 |
Resolution of Conflict of Interest in Chinese Civil Court Hearings: A Perspective of Discourse Information Theory 语篇信息理论视角下中国民事庭审中的利益冲突解决研究 |
杜金榜 |
2013.6 |
陈潇 |
Towards a Model of Lexical Collocations in a Chinese-French Dictionary for French CFL Learners 外向型汉法词典词汇搭配模式的构建 |
章宜华 |
2013.6 |
夏立新 |
The Construction of a Multi-Dimensional Definition Model for the Chinese-English Learner’s Dictionary from the User Perspective 基于用户视角的内向型汉英学习词典多维译义模式的构建 |
章宜华 |
2013.12 |
薛荷仙 |
Construction-based Definition Model in CFL Learner’s Dictionary: A Study on Unaccucative Verbs from the Perspective of Eventuality 对外汉语词典非宾格动词释义模式——基于事件语义视角的研究 |
章宜华 |
2013.12 |
唐安华 |
Chinese Speakers’ Acquisiton of English Double Object Constructions: The Role of L1 Transfer 汉语母语者对英语双宾结构的习得——母语迁移的作用 |
郑超/王初明 |
2013.12 |
柯晓华 |
Autoscoring Subjective Items Written in Chinese Language based on Latent Semantic Analysis 基于潜伏语义分析的中文主观题计算机评分研究 |
曾用强 |
2013.12 |
吕剑涛 |
An Investigation into the Feasibility of Calibrating and Equating English Multiple Items with the Rash Testlet Model Rash 题组模型校准和等值英语客观试题的可行性研究 |
刘建达 |
2013.12 |
王伟强 |
The Effects of Self- and Peer-Assessment on Chinese Learners’ EFL Writing: Students’ Perceptions and Draft Revisions 自我评估与同伴评估对中国学生英语写作的影响——态度与评价 |
曾用强 |
2013.12 |
李久亮 |
Validating Summarization as a Read-to-Write Integrated Task 概要写作题型的效度研究 |
亓鲁霞 |
2013.12 |
林洁绚 |
Factors Influencing Parallel Reformulation during Source Language Comprehension in Consecutive Interpreting 影响交替传译源语理解过程中并行转换的因素 |
董燕萍 |
2013.12 |
李成团 |
An Interpersonal Pragmatic Account of Professional Identity Construction via Implicit Negation 通过隐含否定构建职业身份的人际语用研究 |
冉永平 |
2014.6 |
王启 |
The Effects of Frequency and Contextual Diversity on L2 Acquisition of English Regular Collocations by Chinese EFL Learners 频率及语境多样性在中国英语学习者二语普通搭配学习中的作用 |
王初明 |
2014.6 |
张晓鹏 |
The Acquisition of English Count-Mass Distinctions by Chinese EFL Learners: the Perspective Shifting Hypothesis 中国英语学习者对英语名词可数性特征的习得:视角转换假设 |
王初明 |
2014.6 |
王家明 |
Contextual Priming in Chinese EFL Learners’ Use of Articles 中国英语学习者冠词使用中的语境启动 |
王初明 |
2014.6 |
尤梦娜 |
A Syntactic Study of Extra Argumentality in Chinese 汉语论元增容现象的句法研究 |
温宾利 |
2014.6 |
王和玉 |
The Syntax and Semantics of English and Chinese Middles: A [uC]-Featured v and [Mod]-Featured T Analysis 英汉中动结构的句法语义研究——基于致使轻动词与情态屈折语的分析 |
温宾利 |
2014.6 |
范香娟 |
Measuring Interlanguage Pragmatic Knowledge of Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language: Test Development and Validation 外国留学生汉语中介语语用能力测试——试卷开发与效度验证 |
刘建达 |
2014.6 |
徐鹰 |
Investigating the Effectiveness of Mixed Feedback to CET4 Essay Rater PerformanceCET4 作文评分人混合型反馈的效果研究 |
曾用强 |
2014.6 |
张少敏 |
A Study on Authorship Attribution of Chinese Texts Based on Discourse Information Analysis 基于语篇信息的中文文本作者鉴别 |
杜金榜 |
2014.12 |
谢枝龙 |
Bilingual Advantages: Contributions of Different Bilingual Experiences to Cognitive Control Differences Among Young-adult Bilinguals 双语优势:不同双语经验对年轻双语者认知控制能力的影响 |
董燕萍 |
2015.6 |
关鑫 |
A Study of Forensic Speaker Recognition Based on Discourse Information Analysis 基于语篇信息分析的说话人司法鉴别研究 |
杜金榜 |
2015.6 |
徐富平 |
The Acquisition and Interpretation of Mandarin Chinese Locative Constructions by Native Speakers of English: A Study on the Spatial Relationship of Attachment and Containment 英语母语者的汉语空间方位结构习得研究——以平面接触和内包含空间关系为例 |
黄月圆、王初明 |
2015.6 |
肖奇民 |
The Syntax of Topic and Focus in Chinese: A Modified C-to-T Feature Inheritance-based Account 现代汉语话题与焦点--基于修正的C-to-T特征传递理论的研究 |
温宾利 |
2015.6 |
彭晶 |
A Study of Resolution of Misunderstanding in the Socio-Cognitive Approach to Pragmatics 误解消解的社会-认知语用研究 |
冉永平 |
2015.6 |
张孝荣 |
A Syntactic Study of the Verb Copying Construction in Mandarin Chinese 汉语重动结构的句法研究 |
何晓炜 |
2015.6 |
韩艳梅 |
Discursive Construction of the Identity of Young Emerging Middle-class Parents in China 中国新兴中产阶层年轻父母身份的话语建构 |
陈建平 |
2015.6 |
赵南 |
The Effects of Working Memory, Language Proficiency and Anxiety on Speech Monitoring in Consecutive Interpreting 工作记忆、语言水平和焦虑状况对交替传译言语监控的影响 |
董燕萍 |
2015.6 |
王华 |
Validating the Automated Scoring of the Computer-based English Listening and Speaking Test 广东省高考机助英语听说考试自动化评分效度验证 |
曾用强 |
2015.12 |
张放 |
The Variability and Mechanism of Washback: Investigating the Washback of NMET CELST through Teachers' Test Preparations 反拨作用的多样性及其形成机制——从教师备考调查高考英语机助听说考试的反拨作用 |
曾用强 |
2015.12 |
闫培香 |
An Investigation into the Comparability of the NMETs 高考英语测试比较研究 |
刘建达 |
2015.12 |
周燕 |
Construct Validation of Computer-based English Listening-Speaking Test (Guangdong Version) 广东省机助英语听说考试的构念效度验证 |
曾用强 |
2016.6 |
范婷婷 |
Developing and Validating Diagnostic Reading Proficiency Scales for Chinese EFL Learners in High School -- Take Students in Guangdong as Examples 中国高中生英语阅读能力诊断性量表的构建与验证——以广东学生为例 |
曾用强 |
2016.6 |
黄芳 |
Vers un modèle multidimensionnel de définition des synonymes dans les dictionnaires d'apprentissage français-chinois:cas des verbes de déplacement 法汉学习词典同义范畴多维释义模式——以移动动词为例 |
章宜华 |
2016.6 |
李颖卉 |
Beginning Student interpreter's Development in Using Interpreting Strategy and the Potential Effects of Working Memory and Interpreting Anxiety 初级阶段学生译员口译策略使用的发展及工作记忆、口译焦虑的潜在影响 |
董燕萍 |
2016.6 |
李欣芳 |
A Pragmatic Study of the Acceptability of Topical Divergence in Clinical Interviews 临床访谈中话题偏离之可接受性的语用研究 |
冉永平 |
2016.6 |
宫丽丽 |
A Pragmatic Study of Self-Positioning in Tease Response 调侃回应中自我定位的语用研究 |
冉永平 |
2016.6 |
黄玮莹 |
An Exploratory Study on the Construction of ILP Competence Scales: Chinese University Students’ Realization of Speech Acts 中介语语用能力量表建设探索性研究——以中国大学生言语行为实施情况为例 |
刘建达 |
2016.6 |
李子容 |
Using Formative Assessment to Facilitate Deep Learning: A Case of University EFL Reading 以形成性评估促进深层学习——高校英语专业阅读个案研究 |
亓鲁霞 |
2016.6 |
孙波 |
A Study on Automatic Information Seeking in Chinese Judicial Discourse 汉语司法语篇信息自动查询研究 |
杜金榜 |
2016.6 |
李亮 |
Defining Features of Learners' Dictionary and Computer-aided Definition 基于数据库的学习词典释义特征与计算机辅助释义研究 |
章宜华 |
2016.12 |
郭启平 |
A Representational Model for Categorized Synonyms Based on Multi-dimensional Definition 对外汉语学习词典同义词多维释义模式构建 |
章宜华 |
2016.12 |
陈兵 |
The Pragmatic Development of Chinese EFL Learners' L2 Emotionality Interpretation Ability 中国英语学习者对二语情感解读能力发展研究 |
吴旭东 |
2016.12 |
钟虹 |
A Study of Argumentational Differences in Discipline-specific Doctoral Dissertation Literature Review Written in Chinese vs English 相同学科中文与英文博士论文文献综述的论证策略差异研究 |
陈建平 |
2016.12 |
戴远君 |
Treatment of Metaphorical Collocations in English Learners' Dictionaries 英语学习词典隐喻搭配处理研究 |
徐海 |
2016.12 |
陆志军 |
The Syntax and Semantics of Imperfective Aspect in Mandarin Chinese 现代汉语非完整体的句法语义研究 |
何晓炜 |
2017.6 |
周晓 |
Effects of Interactive Alignment on L2 Learning in the Case of Vocabulary Acquisition by Chinese EFL Learners: The Interactional Intensity Hypothesis 互动协同对二语学习的影响:互动强度假说——以中国外语学习者词汇学习为例 |
王初明 |
2017.6 |
刘喜琴 |
Multidimensional Definition for Verb-resultative Constructions in English-Chinese Bilingualized Learner's Dictionaries 英汉双解学习词典的动结式多维释义研究 |
章宜华 |
2017.6 |
赵林森 |
A Pragmatic Study of Qingmian-Oriented Mediation of Interpersonal Conflicts 基于情面的人际冲突调节的语用研究 |
冉永平 |
2017.6 |
张砥 |
Mediated Alignment and Unmediated Alignment of L2 Learners: Does One Size Fit All? 外语学习者的协同:有质影响协同还是无质影响协同 |
王初明 |
2017.6 |
火敬 |
The Roles of Visuo-spatial Sketchpad and Phonological Loop in Chinese-English Bilinguals’ L1 and L2 Written Sentence Production 汉语双语者一语和二语书面语句输出中视觉空间模板和语音回路的作用 |
董燕萍 |
2017.6 |
张鲁平 |
A Study on the Construction of Case Facts 案件事实建构研究 |
杜金榜 |
2017.6 |
吕靖 |
Relevance and Difference in the Definitions for English Learner’s Dictionaries from the Perspective of Categorization 基于范畴的英语学习词典关联释异模式研究 |
章宜华 |
2017.6 |
缪海燕 |
Alignment and Recasts in Chinese EFL Learners’ Acquisition of Simple Past Tense 重铸与协同的关系:以中国英语学习者一般过去时的习得为例 |
王初明 |
2017.12 |
李霞 |
Developing a Scale of Reading Strategic Competence for Chinese Tertiary Learners of English as a Foreign Language 中国英语学习者英文作文自动评分模型研究——基于Coh-Metrix特征抽取 |
刘建达 |
2017.12 |
周艳琼 |
Constructing an Automatic Scoring Model Based on Coh-Metrix Features for Essays by Chinese Learners of English 中国大学生英语阅读策略能力量表开发 |
刘建达 |
2017.12 |
余新兵 |
Credibility Assessment of Eyewitness Accounts Based on Discourse Information Analysis 基于语篇信息分析的证人证言可信度评价 |
杜金榜 |
2017.12 |
刘娟 |
Discourse-Information-Based Automatic Evaluation of Public Legal Education Discourse 基于语篇信息的普法语篇自动评价研究 |
杜金榜 |
2018.6 |
淮艳梅 |
A Study of Multimodal Discourse Information Processing in English Classroom Instruction for Legal Purposes 法律英语课堂教学中的多模态语篇信息处理研究 |
杜金榜 |
2018.6 |
易文静 |
The Effects of Input Frequency Distribution on L2 Development of the Chinese Passive Construction 输入频率分布对汉语二语被动构式学习的影响 |
王初明 |
2018.6 |
王勇旗 |
Nationalistic Discourse in Economic Reports: The Discursive Legitimation of Chinese Outward Investment 经济报道中的国家主义话语:中国企业对外投资合法性的话语研究 |
陈建平 |
2018.6 |
邓琳 |
A Study on the Categorized Definition for English Communication Verbs Based on the Multidimensional Definition Theory 基于多维十一模式的范畴化释义研究——以英语交际动词为例 |
章宜华 |
2018.6 |
徐柳 |
The Effect of Task Type on Construct Representation in an EFL Speaking Test: The Case of TEM-4 Oral Test 英语口试任务类型对构念实现程度的影响——以英语专业四级口试为例 |
亓鲁霞 |
2018.6 |
郝婷婷 |
Aspectual Interaction in Mandarin Chinese 汉语体貌互动研究 |
温宾利 |
2018.6 |
陶君 |
From Guilt to Innocence: Discursive Construction of the Presumption of Innocence in Legal News Discourse 从有罪到无罪:无罪推定观念在法治新闻中的语篇建构 |
袁传有 |
2018.6 |
于浩鹏 |
Relative Clauses in Mandarin Children with Specific Language Impairment 汉语特殊性语言障碍儿童关系从句习得研究 |
何晓炜 |
2018.12 |
杨青 |
A Socio-cognitive Pragmatic Study of Doing Understanding in ELF Disagreement Discourse 英语通用语交际中异议话语践行理解的社会-认知语用研究 |
冉永平 |
2018.12 |
龚传杰 |
Acquisition of Unaccusativity by Mandarin-speaking Children with Specific Language Impairment 汉语特殊性语言障碍儿童非宾格性习得研究 |
何晓炜 |
2018.12 |
孙晋文 |
A Minimalist Approach to Obligatory Control Constructions in Chinese 汉语强制控制结构的最简方案研究 |
温宾利 |
2018.12 |
胡辉莲 |
Construction of Gender in the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary 《现代汉语词典》中的性别建构 |
徐海 |
2018.12 |
晏盛兰 |
An Exploration of A University English Teacher’s Experience of Daily Grading 大学英语教师日常评分经历的个案研究 |
亓鲁霞 |
2018.12 |
陈紫玥 |
Prototypical Presentation of Transitivity Patterns in English Learners’ Dictionaries 英语学习词典及物构式的原型研究 |
徐海 |
2019.6 |
高云端 |
A Study of Willingness to Write in the Chinese English-learning Context from the Perspective of the Dynamic Systems Theory 动态理论视角下中国英语学习者写作意愿的研究 |
王初明 |
2019.6 |
刘玉花 |
The Influence of Interpreting Training on the Development of Young Adults’ Executive Functions 口译训练队年轻成人执行功能发展的影响 |
董燕萍 |
2019.6 |
杨燕荣 |
A Diachronic Study of the Construction of the Disciplinary Identity of Applied Linguistics in the Chinese Context: An Analysis Based on Articles in Modern Foreign Languages 对中国应用语言学学科身份构建的历时研究——基于《现代外语》期刊论文的分析 |
陈建平 |
2019.6 |
刘玉洁 |
Multimodal Construction of “Rule of Law” in Chinese Anti-corruption Public Service Advertisements: A Social Semiotic Approach 社会符号学视角下中国反腐公益广告中“法治”的多模态建构 |
袁传有 |
2019.6 |
许思齐 |
A Comparative Study of Institutional Impression Management Strategies in Chinese and US Corporate Public Reports 中美公司公开报告中的机构印象管理比较研究 |
陈建平 |
2019.6 |
陈小聪 |
The Role of Executive Functions in the Sub-processes of Interpreting for Student Trainees at Different Training Stages 执行功能在口译加工子过程的作用:一项基于不同训练阶段学生译员的研究 |
董燕萍 |
2019.6 |
李雪平 |
A Study of the Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment of EFL Reading Ability: a Case Study of Senior High Students in Shanxi 英语阅读能力的认知诊断研究——以山西某高中学生为例 |
曾用强 |
2019.6 |
冯永芳 |
Representation of Complex-transitive Argument-structure Constructions in English Learner’s Dictionaries: A Usage-based Constructionist Approach 英语学习词典中复杂及物论元结构构式的表征——基于使用的构式观 |
徐海 |
2019.6 |
王红 |
A Study on the Automatic Representation Mechanism of Legal Discourse Information 法律语篇信息自动表征机制研究 |
杜金榜 |
2019.12 |
丁娇龙 |
Chinese Evaluatives and Conventional Implicature汉语评价语与规约含义 |
冯光武 |
2019.12 |
李俊 |
Chinese Imperatives at the Syntax-Pragmatics Interface 汉语祈使句句法-语用界面研究 |
温宾利 |
2019.12 |
周金华 |
Development of Note-taking Skills in Student Interpreters 学生译员口译笔记技能的发展研究 |
董燕萍 |
2019.12 |
曹琳琳 |
Validating Reading Scale in China’s Standard of English Language Ability Through Annotated Materials 基于标注语料的中国英语能力阅读量表效度验证 |
曾用强 |
2019.12 |
郑洁 |
A Study of Psycho-correction Discourse in Community Correction under Restorative Justice from the Perspective of Individuation 恢复性司法理念下社区矫正心理矫治话语研究:个体化视角 |
袁传有 |
2019.12 |
钟飞 |
Relationship between Interpreting Training and Student Interpreters’ Coordination Skill 口译训练与学生译员协调技能的关系研究 |
董燕萍 |
2019.12 |
谢芳 |
Development and Validation of Diagnostic Text Feature Descriptors for Chinese College Students’ English Writing 中国大学生英语写作诊断性文本特征描述语的开发与验证 |
曾用强 |
2020.6 |
蒋文凭 |
Towards a Multi-dimensional Defining Model for Semi-technical Words in a Dictionary for Chinese Learners of Medical English 医学英汉学习词典中两栖词汇的多维释义模式构建 |
章宜华 |
2020.6 |
陈倩 |
An Interpersonal Pragmatic Study of Online Offence from the Perspective of Moral Order 道德秩序视域下网络冒犯中关系疏离的语用研究 |
冉永平 |
2020.6 |
何静 |
An Interpersonal Pragmatic Study of Coalition Construction in Social Media Offence Reactions 社交媒体冒犯回应中联盟关系建构的人际语用研究 |
冉永平 |
2020.6 |
余志斌 |
The Emergence of Interpreting Competence in Students of Interpreting: Perspective of the Dynamics System Theory 动态系统理论视角下学生译员口译能力的浮现 |
董燕萍 |
2020.6 |
宋伟奇 |
A Study of Reflexive Binding and Pronominal Reference in Mandarin-Speaking SLI Children and HFA Children 普通话特殊型语言障碍儿童和高功能自闭症儿童的反身代词约束和代词指称研究 |
何晓炜 |
2020.6 |
李玲玲 |
Phraseological Knowledge in Second Language Listening Comprehension 第二语言听力理解中的短语知识研究 |
徐海 |
2020.6 |
庾小美 |
A Constructional Approach to Morphological Generalization of Derivatives by Chinese EFL Learners: The Case of en Verb Series 构式形态学视角下中国英语学习者派生词形态归纳能力研究——以 en 动词聚列为例 |
徐海 |
2020.6 |
张松山 |
Exploring the Yes/No Format Test as a Measure of Second Language Phonological Vocabulary Knowledge 二语是非判断题型听力词汇测试研究 |
徐海 |
2020.12 |
李敏子 |
Developing and Validating a Self-assessment Instrument of Reading Proficiency for Chinese Tertiary EFL Learners 中国大学生英语阅读能力自评工具的开发与验证 |
曾用强 |
2020.12 |
戴慧琳 |
Acquisition of Negative Structures by Mandarin-speaking Children with Specific Language Impairment and Children with High-functioning Autism 普通话特殊型语言障碍儿童与高功能自闭症儿童否定结构习得研究 |
何晓炜 |
2020.12 |
雷容 |
A Pragmatic Study of Rapport-Oriented Regulation of Negative Emotions in Therapy Talk 心理治疗话语中基于和谐的消极情绪调节的语用学研究 |
冉永平 |
2021.6 |
黄旭 |
A Pragmatic Study of Moral Transgression-Based Complaint Management in E-Shopping Service Encounters 电子购物客服交际中基于道德冒犯的抱怨管理的语用研究 |
冉永平 |
2021.6 |
南红红 |
Grice's Razor, a Radical Grice's Razor and the Meaning of Words 格赖斯剃刀、激进的格赖斯剃刀与语词的意义 |
冯光武 |
2021.6 |
徐歌 |
The Role of Perceptual Information in Bilingual Conceptual Processing by Chinese EFL Learners 知觉信息在中国 EFL 学习者双语概念加工中的作用 |
董燕萍 |
2021.6 |
赵宏明 |
Neurocognitive Consequences of Interpreting Training on Young Adults’ Focused Attention 口译训练经历对年轻成人聚焦性注意认知神经机制的影响 |
董燕萍 |
2021.6 |
郭婉玲 |
A Semantic Study of Chinese Spatiotemporal Prepositions Based on Constructional Schema Network基于构式图式网络的汉语时空介词语义研究 |
章宜华 |
2021.6 |
郝俊杰 |
Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Online Dictionaries 在线词典的多模态话语分析 |
徐海 |
2021.6 |
黄劲怡 |
Formality, Power and Context: Exploring an Interpersonal Framework for Vocative Exchange in Mandarin 正式性、权势与语境——现代汉语中呼语交换的人际功能框架研究 |
欧阳护华 |
2021.12 |
辛声 |
Effects of Alignment on Chinese EFL Learners' Argumentative Coherence 协同对中国英语学习者议论文连贯性的影响 |
王初明 |
2021.12 |
王聪聪 |
A Study of Evaluative Explicitness in Institutional Identity Construction: A Comparative Analysis of Annual Reports of Chinese and British Cultural Institutions 机构身份建构中的评价显明性探究:中英文教机构年度报告比较分析 |
陈建平 |
2021.12 |
周彬 |
A Critical Cognitive Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in Chinese and American News Discourses on “Belt and Road”: A Case Study of China Daily and The Washington Post 中美“一带一路”新闻语篇中概念隐喻的批评认知分析:以《中国日报》与《华盛顿邮报》为例 |
陈建平 |
2021.12 |
康建东 |
Argument Realization of Psych Verbs in Mandarin: The Unified Model of Usage Events 现代汉语心理动词的论元实现 ——“使用事件”统一模型 |
田兵 |
2021.12 |
卢楠 |
The Discursive Construction of Legal Reasoning: A Genre study of the United States Supreme Court Opinions 法律推理的话语建构:美国最高法院司法意见书的语类研究 |
袁传有 |
2021.12 |
刘洋 |
Developing Qualitative Score Reports for NETS-6: Standard Setting and Generation of Performance Level Descriptions研制NETS-6 考试质性成绩报告——标准设定与等级描述 |
刘建达 |
2022.6 |
曲哲 |
A Study of Evaluative Discourse and 博士论文答辩中的评价话语与学科身份建构研究 |
陈建平 |
2022.6 |
韩流 |
A Minimalist Syntactic Approach to Comparative Correlative Constructions in English and Mandarin Chinese 英语与汉语比较关联结构的最简句法研究 |
温宾利 |
2022.6 |
贺满足 |
Constructing an Instrument to Measure Primary and Middle School EFL Teachers’ Language Assessment Literacy 中小学英语教师语言评价素养测量工具开发研究 |
刘建达 |
2022.6 |
熊成 |
The Metaphysics of Presupposition 预设的形而上学 |
冯光武 |
2022.6 |
陈锦 |
Task Complexity Scales for Task-based Language Assessment for Vocational Purposes: Development and Validation 职业用途任务型语言测试的任务复杂度量表研究:开发研制与效度验证 |
曾用强 |
2022.6 |
程功 |
The Effects of Conceptual Relations and L2 Proficiency on Chinese EFL Learners’ Conceptual Combination of English Noun-noun Compounds 概念关系及二语水平对中国英语学习者英语名-名复合词概念组合的影响 |
徐海 |
2022.6 |
王帅 |
A Genre Study of Police Interrogation Discourse: Investigation-centeredness versus Trial-centeredness 警察讯问话语的语类研究——以侦查为中心与以审判为中心 |
袁传有 |
2022.12 |
刘娜 |
A Constructionist Approach to Terms in TCM C-E Dictionaries 汉英中医词典术语构式研究 |
田兵 |
2022.12 |
旷怡 |
Language Control in Interpreting: Evidence from a Comparison Between Student Interpreters and General Bilinguals 口译的语言控制研究:来自学生译员和普通双语者的证据 |
董燕萍 |
2022.12 |
田富俊 |
Lexical and Syntactic Complexity of Student Interpreters’ Outputs: Measurement, Development, and Psychological Mechanisms 学生译员口译文本词汇及句法复杂度:测量、发展及心理机制 |
董燕萍 |
2022.12 |
王甜甜 |
Interactive Mechanism between Self-assessment and Translation Quality of Chinese EFL Learners 中国英语学习者自评与翻译质量的互动机制研究 |
葛诗利 |
2022.12 |
范琳琳 |
A Pragmatic Study of Doctors’ Management of Interpersonal Emotions in Chinese Medical Interaction 汉语医疗交际中医生人际情感管理的语用学研究 |
冉永平 |
2022.12 |
张才蕙 |
The Influence of Input Modality and Domain on Chinese-English Bilinguals' Second Language Vocabulary Learning 输入通道和输入领域对汉英双语者二词汇学习的影响 |
杨静 |
2023.6 |
何琴 |
Chinese EFL Learners’Acquisition of English Locative Alternations: Effects of Verb Semantics and Verb Frequency 中国英语学习者对英语方位转换的习得研究——动词语义和动词频率的作用 |
马志刚 |
2023.6 |
卢伟烈 |
Investigating the Fairness of VETS: Evidence from Examinee Performance and Perceptions 实用英语交际职业技能等级考试的公平性检验-----来自考生表现和感知的证据 |
曾用强 |
2023.6 |
李金艳 |
Multidimensional Presentation of Verb Collocations in English-Chinese Medical Dictionaries for Learners 英汉医学学习词典动词搭配的多维呈现研究 |
章宜华 |
2023.6 |
陈李军 |
A Comparative Study of the Production of Mandarin Aspect Markers by Children with SLI and Children with HFA-LI 特殊型语言障碍儿童与有语言障碍的高功能自闭症儿童汉语体标记产出对比研究 |
何晓炜 |
2023.6 |
邢雪明 |
The Acquisition of Quantification by Mandarin-speaking Children of Typical and Atypical Development 普通话典型发展儿童与非典型发展儿童量化知识的习得研究 |
何晓炜 |
2023.6 |
罗兴 |
Tenor Negotiation in Community Correction Discourse: A Judicial Practice Navigating between Retributive Justice and Restorative Justice 社区矫正话语中的语旨磋商 — 游走于报应性司法和恢复性司法之间的司法实践 |
袁传有 |
2023.6 |
郭静思 |
Awakening Justifiable Defence: The Study of Evaluation in Media Reports on Self-defence Cases 唤醒正当防卫:正当防卫案媒体报道的评价研究 |
袁传有 |
2023.6 |
陈水英 |
Brandom on Meaning and Communication: A Normativist Approach 布兰顿论意义与交流:一种规范主义路径 |
冯光武 |
2023.6 |
唐诗吟 |
From Intensification to Subjectivity: The Syntax and Semantics of Xən35 in Duyun Dialect 从强化到主观性:都匀话“很”的句法语义研究 |
张庆文 |
2023.12 |
唐舒航 |
On Semantic Deviation in Translation and Translational Definition Model of China-specific Words in Foreign-oriented Chinese-English Dictionaries 外向型汉英词典中国特色词的译差义与译义模式研究 |
章宜华 |
2023.12 |
王倩倩 |
A Corpus-Based Study of the Metaphorical Construction in Chinese and American Political Discourses 基于语料库的中美政治话语隐喻建构研究 |
章宜华 |
2023.12 |
洪灵 |
Genre and Register in Marketing Research Articles: A Corpus-Based Diachronic Study of Disciplinary Discourse 营销学研究性论文中的语域和语类: 基于语料库的学科话语历时研究 |
胡春雨 |
2023.12 |
卜剑锋 |
Effects of the Continuation Tasks on Chinese L2 Learners’ Acquisition of English Plural Inflection: Focusing on Noticing and Interactional Intensity 续任务对中国英语二语学习者复数屈折形式习得的影响--聚焦于注意和互动强度 |
王初明 |
2024.6 |
宾科 |
Validating the Preliminary Scale of Vocational English Skills 职业英语技能初始量表的效度验证 |
曾用强 |
2024.6 |
张政豪 |
Comprehension of Definite and Indefinite Expressions by Mandarin-speaking Children with Developmental Language Disorder and Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder 汉语发展性语言障碍儿童与自闭症谱系障碍儿童有定和无定短语理解研究 |
何晓炜 |
2024.6 |
于涛 |
An Idealized Assembly Model for Comparing Definitions in OED1 and their Revisions in OED3 关于释义比较的理想化集成模型:以《牛津英语词典》第一版和第三版释义描写为例 |
田兵 |
2024.6 |
黄睿 |
The Acquisition of Non-interrogative Wh-words in Mandarin-speaking Children with Developmental Language Disorder and Autistic Children with Language Impairment 汉语发展性语言障碍儿童与自闭症伴语言障碍儿童疑问词非疑问用法习得研究 |
何晓炜 |
2024.6 |
胡杨 |
The Metalinguistic Negation in Modern Chinese: Forms, Logic and Its Relations to Rectification 现代汉语元语言否定的形式、逻辑及其与修正语的关系研究 |
冯光武 |
2024.6 |
张红岩 |
The Selection of Illustrative Examples of Exemplification for a Learner's Dictionary of Academic English: A Local Grammar Approach 学术英语学习词典中例举的示例选取——局部语法视角 |
田兵 |
2024.6 |
欧阳含笑 |
The Multivocality of Chinese Modal Auxiliaries and Semantics-Pragmatics Interface 现代汉语情态助动词的多义性及语义—语用界面研究 |
冯光武 |
2024.6 |
李炳楠 |
An Empirical Study of the Impact of the Abstractness of Target Domain on Chinese Metaphor Cognitive Processing 隐喻靶域的抽象程度对汉语隐喻认知加工影响的实证研究 |
孙毅 |
2024.6 |
袁国荣 |
The Cognitive Mechanism of Emotion Metaphors Processing of Chinese-English Bilinguals 汉英双语者情绪隐喻认知加工的神经机制研究 |
孙毅 |
2024.6 |
温可 |
A Study on Bilingualization of English Advanced Learner's Dictionaries in China: A Text Linguistics Perspective 语篇语言学视角下高阶学习词典的英汉双解化研究 |
田兵 |
2024.6 |
邱伟哲 |
Abstract Syntactic Knowledge of Ditransitive Constructions in Mandarin-speaking Children with DLD and Children with ASD 汉语发展性语言障碍儿童和自闭症儿童双及物结构抽象句法知识研究 |
何晓炜 |
2024.6 |
马思玙 |
The Effects of Gamified Formative Assessment on Chinese EFL Learners’ Motivational Behaviors and Pragmatics Learning 游戏化形成性评价对中国英语学习者动机行为和语用学习的影响 |
刘建达 |
2024.6 |
杨志强 |
Development and Validation of a Diagnostic Checklist for Vocational English Skills 职业英语技能诊断细目表的开发与验证 |
曾用强 |
2024.6 |
方艾若 |
Developing and Validating a Self-report Scale of Language Assessment Literacy for EFL Teachers in Vocational Education 职业教育英语教师语言评价素养自评量表的开发与验证 |
曾用强 |
2024.12 |
林琳 |
说话人话轮可预测度和时间压力对听话人话轮计划的影响——眼动研究 The Effects of Speakers’ Turn Predictability and Time Pressure on Listeners’ Turn Planning: Evidence from Eye-tracking |
赵晨 |
2024.12 |
刘玉华 |
Investigating the Relationship between Vocabulary and Academic Reading Comprehension in CET4 大学英语四级考试中词汇能力与阅读理解能力的关系 |
刘建达 |
2024.12 |
王慧 |
A Genre-based Comparison of Expert and Novice Writers in Medical Research Article Discussions: AI-assisted Analysis of Move Structure and Engagement Resources 医学研究论文讨论部分中专家与新手写作者的差异:基于人工智能的语类和介入资源分析 |
徐海 |
2024.12 |
陈贤文 |
The Role of Emotional and Cognitive Factors in Second Language Writing 情感与认知因素对二语写作的影响 |
徐海 |
2024.12 |
罗晓君 |
A Parametric Study of Argument Preposing in Main Clause Phenomenon in English and Chinese Object Clauses 英、汉宾语从句中论元前置主句现象的参数差异研究 |
张庆文 |
2024.12 |
杜娇 |
Acquisition of Passives by Mandarin-speaking Children with DLD and Those with ASD 普通话发展性语言障碍儿童和自闭症儿童被动句习得研究 |
何晓炜 |
2024.12 |
赵辉 |
On the Subjectivity of Contrastive Markers in Modern Chinese 现代汉语转折标记语的主观性研究 |
冯光武 |
2024.12 |
林晓萍 |
New Branch Construction Restructuring from English to Chinese Based on the English-Chinese Clause Alignment Corpus 基于英汉小句对齐语料库的英汉新支结构转换研究 |
葛诗利 |
2024.12 |
许文涛 |
Fact Argumentation in Judicial Judgements from the Complementary Perspectives of LCT and SFL LCT和SFL互补视角下司法判决书中的事实论证研究 |
袁传有 |
2024.12 |
付悠悠 |
The Linguistic Fuzziness of Legislative Language in the Civil Code and Its Functions: With a Discussion on Its Impact on Judicial Decision 民法典立法语言的模糊性及其功能——兼论对司法判决的影响 |
袁传有 |
2024.12 |
姜俊 |
Effects of Input Factors and Congruence on Chinese EFL Learners’ Processing of Verb Locative Constructions 输入因素与一致性对中国英语学习者加工动词方位构式的影响 |
马志刚 |
2024.12 |