时 间:2021年10月21日(周四)14:30-15:30
地 点:北校区第八教学楼306室
Abstract Previous studies on (im)politeness seldom focus on the speech act of preaching. Based on the datasets in Chinese mediation television programs,I define‘preaching’as a speech act of the‘moralistic rebuke’in which the mediators deliver the moral instructions to urge acceptance or abandonment of an idea or a course of action in an impolite manner.I categorize this kind of preaching as a‘meta-impoliteness strategy’ through which the preachers do not intend to cause offense to the addressees but to remind them of their impolite or immoral behaviors and lead them to accept the moral virtues in the interaction. Using Culpeper’s (2011) impoliteness framework and Confucian Moral Virtue System (see Xu, 2011) as the main theoretical supports, this study examines the linguistic strategies of preaching and probes into the mechanism of preaching as a meta-impoliteness strategies in the mediation process, which provides a significant knowledge addition to studies of impoliteness and speech act theory.
李成团,博士、教授、云山杰出学者,硕士生导师,研究方向为语用学。近年来主持国家社科、教育部社科、广东省社科、广东省教改和广外重点教改项目等10余项。2015-2016年获得国家留学基金委资助访学美国纽约州立大学并完成博士后研究。2018年申请并获批“语用文化和身份构建”省级科研创新团队。近年来发表核心期刊(C/SSCI)论文近30篇,主要发表在Journal of Pragmatics、Text & Talk、Pragmatics & Society、Discourse & Communication、Discourse Studies、《现代外语》、《外国语》、《中国外语》、《外语教学》、《外语与外语教学》、《外语电化教学》和《外语教学理论与实践》等期刊。完成专著1部,Springer(2021年底出版)。