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2021年11月13日 11:53  点击:[]

广外话语论坛第13  Research Directions in Forensic Linguistics and Options for Researchers (法律语言学的研究方向和研究者的自我定位)

主讲人:广东外语外贸大学云山资深教授 吴伟平 主持人:熊涛教授

时间:20211118日(周四)14:30-16:00   地点:北校区第八教学楼307室 

腾讯会议号: 781980587


简介 什么是法律语言学? 简单地说,广义的法律语言学是应用语言学的一个分支,其研究对象是语言,应用领域是司法界,包括一切跟语言与法律的交叉部有关的基础研究和应用研究。按照研究对象,可把所有相关研究分成三大方向:口语研究、书面语研究及双语问题的研究。口语研究包括司法程序中的口头用语和一切与案件相关的口语语料(比如作为呈堂证据的嫌疑人录音)。书面语包括一切以文字形式出现的文件,上到宪法下到商标包括生活中常见的合同、遗嘱和一切有可能引起法律纠纷的文字。双语问题一般涉及法庭翻译和语言证据。因为研究对象本身的不同特点,语言学家在不同领域所用的研究方法就有所不同。对比语言学多用于双语研究领域,话题分析多用于口语,句法分析则多见于书面材料的分析。


Speaker information  Dr. Wu is now Yunshan Professor at the Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (CLAC) in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS). Before he joint GDUFS in 2021, he worked at the Chinese University of Hong Kong as the Director of the Yale-China Chinese Language Center (2001-2020) and, before that, he was a Research Associate at the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington DC while teaching Chinese at Georgetown University, where he obtained his Ph.D. in Linguistics in 1992.

Language and the law became one of his research hobbies after he took the course Linguistics and the Law by Roger Shuy at Georgetown University in 1991, which led to his many activities later on in the field. Dr. Wu was said to be the first Chinese scholar to present at the Law and Society Conference in the US (1992) focusing on sociolinguistic analysis of language evidence in Chinese for a legal case, to serve as an expert witness for the US Department of Justice on forensic linguistic matters involving Chinese languages, to tell the Chinese about the International Association of Forensic Linguistics (IAFL) in the academic journal called Linguistics Abroad, to teach a graduate course language and the law in English (1994) in DGUFS, and the first Chinese scholar to publish a paper in the IAFL journal (1995). His book Language and the law: Linguistic issues in the legal field (2002) was among the first in the field in China.

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