
广东外语外贸大学云山资深教授,华语二语教研学会(Chinese as a Second Language Teaching and Research Society/CSLTARS)创会会长,陕西师范大学,华南师范大学,湖南师范大学,华侨大学特聘客座教授 (按聘请时间顺序)。应聘到校前为香港中文大学雅礼中国语文研习所 (Yale-China Chinese Language Center/CLC) 所长、中国研究中心教授。
多年来一直在中﹑美﹑港大学任教并从事法律语言学﹑语言教学与测试、对外汉语教学方面的研究。1992年开始在美国参加语言与法律方面专业会议并宣读论文,1994年应邀到广州外语学院为英语系研究生开设语言与法律课程并到中山大学为英语学院和法学院研究生开设语言与法律系列讲座,2002年出版专著《语言与法律:司法领域的语言学研究》。近年来研究兴趣是社会语言学,特别是语用框架在法律语言学和语言教学与测试、语料库建设等领域的应用问题,多次应学术机构及会议之邀就法律语言学﹑语言教学与测试﹐教师培训等专题发表演讲或主持工作坊。有关成果包括学术刊物文章、编著《语言学与华语二语教学》从书(1-9册) 、《语用为纲国际汉语教学系列教材》(四套共十二册),以及为不同群体设计的电脑化口语(普通话/粤语/英语)水平测试等。
学术刊物文章及学术专著 (英文出版物中文参考译文见括号)
Academic publications (Chinese titles are provided if published in English)
1. 语用为纲教学体系的逆向设计:以华语二语教学为例 ,《华文教学与研究》第2期,pp. 6-17. (2020)
2. 语用为纲系列教材编写中的“本体与运用” ,《华文教学与研究》第1期,pp. 24-31. (2019)
3. 语体语法: 华语二语教学中语境因素的缺失与错配。Paper in New Explorations on Chinese Register Grammar. S. Feng and C. Shi (eds). Shanghai: Zhongxi Publisher, pp. 337-350. (2018)
4. PRINCH: A case study of learning beyond the classroom (中国语言文化实践课:非正式课堂的学习案例分析). Second Language Learning Research. Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 1-19. (2018)
5. 华语二语教学:从国别化教材到国别化测试。Paper in Y. Jia et al (eds.), Linguistics and CSL Teaching and Learning: Curriculum design and assessment. The Commercial Press (HK), pp. 47-64. (2017)
6. Chinese language pedagogy (汉语教学法纲要). In The Routledge Encyclopedia of the Chinese Language. S. Chan, J. Minett and F. Li (eds.). Routledge, Tailor and Francis Group, pp. 137-151. (2016)
7. 典型语境教学模式:语用为纲教学实践探讨。 Paper in Y. Wu et al (eds.), Linguistics and CSL Teaching and Learning: Teaching materials and pedagogy. The Commercial Press (HK), pp. 39-56. (2016)
8. 二语教学的香港模式,《世界华文教学》创刊号 , pp. 34-53. (2015)
9. 华语文教育:教学模式与教师培训,《华文世界》, pp. 53-55. (2015)
10. 华语二语教学中的“三裸”现象及“去裸”实践,《汉语国际传播研究》第2期, pp. 26-38. (2014)
11. 语言与社会生活:法庭翻译面面观。 Paper in X. Li et al (eds), Research in Macao Languages and Cultures, Macao, pp. 51-59. (2014)
12. 关于语用为纲理念在教师培训中如何落实的探讨 ,《华文教学与研究》第4期, pp. 21-29. (2013)
13. 说话得体: 来自社会语言学的启示。 Paper in W. Wu et al (eds.), Linguistics and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: A sociolinguistic perspective. CLC, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, pp. 16-24. (2012)
14. Pragmatic framework and its role in language learning: With special reference to Chinese (试论语用框架在语言学习中的功用:以汉语为例). Paper in W. Chan et al (eds.), Processes and Process-Orientation in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning. Germany: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 65-90. (2011)
15. 社会语言学的角度看和谐社会的语言生活。 Paper in X. Li et al (eds), Research in Macao Languages and Cultures, Macao, pp. 62-70. (2010)
16. 社会语言学理论与对外汉语教学实践, 《语言教学与研究》第2期, pp. 37-44. (2009).
17. 口语水平测试的实践与讨论。 Paper in Journal of Chinese Language Studies, Vol. 4. Beijing University, China, pp. 33-52. (2008)
18. 从学术交流的角度看汉语国际推广,《云南师范大学学报》第6期,pp. 9-10. (2007)
19. 民族共同语在方言区的推广和使用,《暨南大学华文学院学报》(华文教学与研究专业期刊)第2期, pp. 46-48. (2007)
20. 汉语教学中的语用点:由点到面的教学实践, 《世界汉语教学》第1期, pp. 91-96. (2006)
21. 国外法律语言学的形成、现状和分类。Book Chapter in Language and law in a new perspective. Law Press, China, pp. 146-162. (2004)
22. 开放型题目与大规模口语水平测试。 Paper in Chinese Language Testing. No.4. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, pp. 28-33. (2003)
23. 普通话口语测试工作坊问答实录。Paper in Practices and Explorations in the Learning and Teaching of Putonghua. Vo. 3, Hong Kong Education Bureau, pp. 1-8. (2003)
24. 法律语言学的研究方法,《当代语言学》 第1期, pp. 38-45. (2002)
25. Towards authenticity of task in test development (试论测试研发中语言任务的真实性). Language Testing 18(2) 187-206, London: Arnold, pp. 187-206. (2001)
26. 关于汉语口语水平测试的思考。Book chapter in Language Testing: Theory and practice. Lee Hot-ming (ed.). Hong Kong: Commercial Press, pp. 419-424. (2001)
27. 计算器与口语水平测试标准化。 Paper in Modern educational technology and teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. Zhang Pu (ed.). Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, pp. 315-321. (2000)
28. Language and law: A data approach to sketching the field (语言与法律:语料为纲的学科分类). Book chapter in Language in Action: New Studies of Language in Society. J. Peyton et al (eds.). NJ: Hampton Press, pp. 341-361. (2000)
29. A Job-Relevant Listening Summary Translation Exam in Southern Min. (职场闽南语听译测试的分析) Co-authors: C. Stansfield, M. Cascallar. Book chapter in Fairness and validation in language assessment: Selected papers from the 19th Language Testing Research Colloquium, Orlando, Florida. [Studies in Language Testing 9; Series Editor: Michael Milanovic]. Edited by Antony John Kunnan, pp. 177-200. (2000)
30. Cross cultural communication in the legal field (法律领域的跨文化交际). Hong Kong Linguist, No. 18. Pp. 1-7. (1998)
31. 法律语言学:应用语言学的新天地。Book chapter in Selected Papers in Foreign Language Research. G. Huang & W. Zhang (eds.). Guangzhou: Zhongshan University Press, pp. 71-90. (1997)
32. Education of Second Language Teachers: The Link Between Linguistic Theory and Teaching Practice (二语教师的培训: 试论语言学理论与教学实践之间的关联). Paper in Proceedings of the Georgetown University Round Table on Language and Linguistics (GURT'95), Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press, pp. 480-497. (1995)
33. Chinese Evidence vs. the Institutionalized Power of English (英语的法定强势与案例中汉语语言证据的解读). Forensic Linguistics: The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law. Vol.2. No.2. London: Routledge, pp. 154-167. (1995)
34. 综述:美国应用语言学中心,《国外语言学》第1期, (1994)
35. 综述:法律语言学,《国外语言学》第2期, (1994)
36. 综述:美国语言学会年会及论文摘要的准备,《国外语言学》第3期, (1994)
37. 乔治敦大学语言学圆桌会议面面观,《国外语言学》第4期, (1994)
38. Universality vs Particularity in Chinese Teaching and Testing (汉语教学和测试中的语言共性和特性). Paper in ERIC Document Reproduction Service. ED 366 215. Paper based on presentation at Linguistic, Cultural and Pedagogical Issues in Chinese Acquisition, Pre‑GURT '93 (Georgetown University Round Table on Language and Linguistics), Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. (1993)
39. Towards a Theory of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (华语二语教学理论初探). Paper in ERIC Document Reproduction Service. ED 366 216. Paper based on presentation at Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, (1993)
40. Where is Linguistics in the CFL Classroom (对外汉语教学中的语言学问题). Paper in ERIC Document Reproduction Service. ED 366 213. Paper based on presentation at SEC/AAS (Association for Asian Studies) Conference, The University of Georgia, Athens, (1992)
41. TOCFL: Problems and Guidelines (华语二语测试: 难题与指引). Paper in ERIC Document Reproduction Service. ED 366 214. Paper based on presentation at NY/AAS Conference, Cornell University, NY. (1991)
42. 计算语言学与中文语法分析系统,《国外语言学》第3期, pp130-138, (1989)
43. 奈达论翻译,《中山大学学报》(文科版)第1期, (1983)
Keynote and invited speeches (2010-present)
44. CSL teaching and learning in the new era: Keep up with the time vs sticking to the basics. Invited presentation at the 4th International Conference on Chinese Education. Jinan University/Huaqiao University, Xiamen, 2019.
45. Two written languages and three spoken codes (两文三语): Language policy and practices in Hong Kong. Invited public lecture at Williams College, USA, 2019.
46. The applications of Pragmatic Theories in CSL assessment. Invited presentation at the Pre-Conference Workshop for the IFOLCE-5, Columbia University, NY. 2019.
47. Readers for language learners in China and America: Perspective and focus due to cultural differences. Invited keynote speech at the 2nd International Symposium on Sino-US Relationship in Humanities and Cross-Cultural Communication. Xinan Jiaotong University, Chengdu. 2019.
48. Chinese characters in CSL learning: Pitfalls behind frequency counts. Invited presentation at Academic forum, Shangxi Normal University. 2019.
49. Language Acquisition Corpus and applications: Issues related to spoken data. Invited keynote speech at academic conference, SLATUFS. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan. 2019.
50. Pragmatic knowledge and internationalization: A case study of language learners. (IOSE/CUHK Internationalization Conference. Hong Kong. 2019.
51. Stage three of the pragmatic system in CSL teaching: Teaching materials preparation. Invited public lecture at the 3rd International Conference on Chinese Education. Jinan University/Huaqiao University. Guangzhou. 2018.
52. From language structure to language use: With special reference in vocational training. Professional Workshop for the 8th International Symposium on Linguistics and CSL Teaching and Learning, CUHK, Hong Kong. 2018.
53. Linguistic issues in the judiciary process and language evidence in legal cases. Invited public speech in Nanjing Forest Police College, China. 2017.
54. Issues and solutions in Chinese language education. Invited speech at “Summit Forum on Global Chinese Education”. Huaqiao University, Xiamen. 2016.
55. Construction of spoken corpus and related research: With special reference to the absence of formal speech. Invited keynote speech at the 12th Conference on Register and Language Style. Wuyi University, Guangdong. 2016.
56. CSL Learner Corpus: Spoken data and related research. Invited public speech at Jinan University. 2016.)
57. Constructing a spoken corpus of CSL learners and related research. Invited lecture at Academic Forum on CSL Teaching, Ludong University, Yantai. 2016.
58. Problems and solutions in teaching Chinese. Invited speech at Forum by Senior Scholars, Huaqiao University, Xiamen. 2016
59. Chinese education worldwide: Teaching models and teacher training. Invited speech at the 7th postgraduate student forum on Chinese language teaching worldwide. Hunan Normal University, Hunan. 2015.
60. Revelation from afar: Language evidence viewed from different perspectives. Invited speech at the forum of senior scholars on language, evidence and civilized jurisdiction. Beijing, China. 2014.
61. Pragmatic ability in teacher training: With special reference to teaching Chinese to non-native students in Hong Kong. Invited speech at the teachers’ forum of the Hong Kong Confucius Institute, Hong Kong. 2014.
62. International Chinese Teaching: Teaching models and development of the field. Invited speech at the forum of senior scholars in international Chinese education, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou. 2014.
63. Issues related to pragmatic ability in teacher training. Invited speech at the Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen. 2014.
64. Issues on the development of Chinese bench-mark tests. Invited speech at the Chinese School Retreat, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong. 2014.
65. A pragmatic approach to CSL teaching as a system engineering project: A design that starts from the final stage. Invited speech at the National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. 2014.
66. The end-to-start design of CSL curriculum with language use as the top layer. Invited speech at the Academic Seminar by the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. 2013.
67. On the use or Pragmatic Framework in speaking ability assessment. Invited public lecture for CSL graduate students and teachers at Sun Yet-sen University, Guangzhou. 2013.
68. Sociolinguistics and CSL teaching: The long journey from language structure to language use. Invited speech at the key academic seminar by Huaqiao University, Fujian, China (2012).
69. Chinese as an international language: Comparison and research on speaking samples. Invited public lecture by Shanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China (2012)
70. On CSL acquisition: Lack of authenticity in speaking. Invited public lecture at the South China Normal University, Guangzhou (2011)
71. Speaking appropriately: Revelation from sociolinguistics for CSL learners. Invited speech at the 3rd Professional Workshop on Linguistics and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Shanxi Normal University, China. (2010).
72. Language issues in the judicial process: With special reference to language and culture. Invited speech at the Guangdong Police Academy, China. (2010).
73. Theory and practice in teaching materials preparation under the pragmatic framework. Invited speech at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. (2010).
74. Pragmatic Framework in the CSL context: A discussion on appropriateness. Invited speech at Jinan University, China. (2010).
国际学术会议发言 (2010至今)
Presentations at international academic conferences (2010-present):
75. Abuse, use and proper use of IT in language teaching and learning: Puzzling issues of the Internet Era. The 9th International Symposium on Linguistics and CSL Teaching and Learning, CSLTARS and Hunan Normal University, Changsha. 2019.
76. Revelation from teaching materials: Missing and mismatching of contextual factors in CSL teaching. The CLTA Annual Conference, Seattle/USA. 2019.
77. From language structure to language use: Issues in Teaching Materials Preparation. The 8th International Symposium on Linguistics and CSL Teaching and Learning, CUHK/Hong Kong. 2018.
78. Learning Chinese in Hong Kong: The counter-clockwise approach. The International Symposium on Chinese Language Studies along the Maritime Silk Road, CUHK/ Hong Kong. 2017.
79. Computerized Oral Proficiency Assessment (COPA) in CSL and on-line operation. The 14th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy. Macao University, Macao, 2017.
80. Register Grammar: Missing and mismatch of contextual factors in CSL teaching. Academic Roundtable on recent development in register grammar, CUHK/Beijing University, Hong Kong. 2017.
81. Absence of formal register: A case study based on spoken corpus. The 7th International Symposium on Linguistics and CSL Teaching (CSLTARS-7), Ludong University, China, 2017.
82. From structuralism to socio-linguistics, from pattern drills to immersion programs abroad. Third International Forum on Linguistics and Chinese Education (IFOLCE-3), Notre Dames University/USA. 2017.
83. Chinese characters issues in teaching spoken Chinese. Second International Forum on Linguistics and Chinese Education (IFOLICE-2), Beijing Language University/Beijing University, China. 2016.
84. PRINCH: Learning beyond the classroom. The CLaSIC, National University of Singapore. 2016.
85. PRINCH: A case study of contextualized learning in CSL. The Fourth GDUFS Forum on Applied Linguistics. Guangzhou, China. 2016.
86. Construction of spoken corpus and related research: With special reference to the lack of formal features in language use. The 12th academic conference on “register and language style”. Wuyi University, Guangdong, China. 2016.
87. One speaking sample, two assessment guidelines. The 2nd International Symposium on Chinese Language Teaching and Learning (CLTA-S2), Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA; University of Maryland. 2016.
88. Interaction between pedagogy and teaching materials in typical contexts. The 5th International Symposium on Linguistics and CSL Teaching. Chinese as a Second Language Teaching And Research Society (CSLTARS), East China Normal University, Shanghai. 2015.
89. Applications of Chinese culture research in different fields. The 6th academic seminar of the East-Asia China Study Society, Macao University, Macao. 2015.
90. A pedagogical model with typical scenarios: From sociolinguistic theories to teaching practices under the pragmatic framework. The First International Forum on Linguistics in Chinese Education (IFOLICE-1), UC/DAVIS, USA. 2015.
91. Language and social life: Examples from the legal field. Academic symposium on “Language and Social Life”, Macao Poly-technique Institute, Macao. 2014.
92. A systematic approach to CSL teaching: Counter-clockwise design revisited. The 4th International Symposium on Linguistics and CSL Teaching, Beijing Central Minzu University, Beijing. 2014.
93. Issues related to pragmatic ability in teacher training). The 3rd International Symposium on CSL Teaching and Learning, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 2013.
94. Pragmatic Issues: When dealing with courtroom language and discourse. The Second International Conference on Law, Language and Discourse, Zhejiang Police College, Hangzhou, China (2012).
95. Construction of oral corpus: Case study on the research between speaking samples by learners and by native speakers. The International Conference on the construction and application of Interlanguage Corpus, Beijing University of Language and Cultural Studies, Beijing (2012).
96. Pragmatic Framework (PF): Language use as the top layer in TMP. The ALAA National Conference. Curtin University, Western Australia (2012)
97. Needed in language teaching and learning: Which part of the culture and how? The CLaSIC, Singapore, The National University of Singapore (2012).
98. In-service training for language teachers: Key considerations. The 7th International Conference on Language Teacher Education, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.(2011)
99. Pragmatic Framework in the analysis of language as evidence. The First International Conference on Law, Language and Discourse: Multiculturalism, Diversity and Dynamicity, City University of Hong Kong (2011).
100. Pragmatic Framework and teaching materials preparation. The 18th Conference on Chinese Language Instruction, Princeton University, USA. (2010)
101. A pragmatic approach to TCSOL: With special reference to TMP. The bi-annual conference of the Association of Chinese Sociolinguistics, Qinghai, China. (2010).
102. Speaking appropriately: Revelation from sociolinguistics for CSL learners. Invited speech at the 3rd Professional Workshop on Linguistics and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Shanxi Normal University, China. (2010).
103. Language issues in the judicial process: With special reference to language and culture. Invited speech at the Guangdong Police Academy, China. (2010).
104. Theory and practice in teaching materials preparation under the pragmatic framework. Invited speech at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. (2010).
105. Pragmatic Framework in the CSL context: A discussion on appropriateness. Invited speech at Jinan University, China. (2010).
Professional experience: As author and editor of academic books
专著: 语言与法律:司法领域的语言学研究。上海外语教育出版社。(2002)
主编 :《华语二语教学研究丛书》1-9册:
第一册《语言学与华语二语教学》Linguistics and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (CSL). 香港大学, 2009.
第二册 《语言学与华语二语教学:社会语言学的研究与实践》Linguistics and CSL Teaching and Learning: Research and practice in sociolinguistics. 香港中文大学, 2012.
第三册《语言学与华语二语教学:语用能力培养的理论与实践》 Linguistics and CSL Teaching and Learning: Theories and practices in developing pragmatic ability. 香港商务印书馆, 2014.
第四册《语言学与华语二语教学:教学理论与创新实践》Linguistics and CSL Teaching and Learning: Theories in teaching and renovations in practices. 香港商务印书馆, 2015.
第五册 《语言学与华语二语教学:教材与教学法》Linguistics and CSL Teaching and Learning: Teaching materials and pedagogy香港商务印书馆, 2016.
第六册《语言学与华语二语教学:课程设置与测试》Linguistics and CSL Teaching and Learning: Curriculum design and assessment. 香港商务印书馆, 2017.
第七册. 《语言学与华语二语教学:语言习得与语料库的建设和使用》Linguistics and CSL Teaching and Learning: Curriculum design and assessment. 香港商务印书馆, 2018.
第八册 《语言学与华语二语教学:从语言本体到语言运用》Linguistics and CSL Teaching and Learning: Curriculum design and assessment. 香港商务印书馆, 2019.
第九册 《语言学与华语二语教学:网络时代的语言教学与研究》Linguistics and CSL Teaching and Learning: Curriculum design and assessment. 香港商务印书馆, 2020.
语用为纲国际汉语教学系列教材(四套, 每套3册共12册)Four series of textbooks under the Pragmatic Approach in CSL teaching 香港商务印书馆 2009-2019)
《南人北语》 Putonghua for Cantonese Speakers;
《粤语速成 》Cantonese for Putonghua Speakers ;
《边学边用》(普通话)Putonghua in Communication,for non-Chinese Speakers
《边学边用》(广东话)Cantonese in Communication,for non-Chinese Speakers
相关学术/专业活动: 科研项目
Professional experience: Research
On-going research projects (as leader of the project and a major participant) :
· Language Assessment Project (LAP), Computerized Oral Proficiency Assessment (COPA) for Standard Chinese and Cantonese (2 tests, each with 4 versions).
· Teaching Materials Project (TMP), a series of textbooks with pragmatics as the guiding principle for learning Standard Chinese and Cantonese respectively.
· Teacher Training Project (TTP), a series of professional workshops for in-service teacher training covering various topics in linguistics and teaching Chinese as a Second Language.
· Curriculum Revision Project (CRP), the revision and creation of a full-fledged curriculum catering to the needs of Chinese as a Second Language learners from short-term to BA program.
相关学术/专业活动: 测试研发和实用工作坊
Professional experience: Testing projects and workshops
Tests developed:
l Mandarin test for court interpreters, National Center for State Courts, U.S.A.
l Cantonese test for court interpreters, AOC of New Jersey, U.S.A.
l Chinese Test for language teachers, Language and Communications Program, United Nations
l Fukienese Listening Summary Translation Exam (as Project Manager) for government linguists in Law Enforcement Agencies, U.S.A.
Testing projects coordinated (funded by grants from various US government agencies):
l Adaptation of Chinese Proficiency Tests (CPT) from Mandarin into Cantonese
l Adaptation of the Preliminary CPT from Mandarin into Cantonese
l Revision and validation of the Chinese Speaking Test (CST)
l Development and validation of the CST Rater Training Kit
l Development and validation of the Hindi Proficiency Test
l Development and validation of the Russian Simulated Oral Proficiency
Professional workshops in the following areas:
l Proficiency-oriented language teaching and testing
l Cross-cultural communication for law-enforcement agencies
l Advanced seminar in translation for government linguists
l Linguistics and teaching Chinese as a Second Language
l CSL in vocational training: A sector-specific approach
Education and training
2001-present Various seminars and workshops for senior administrators on human resource and budget management, provided by the Training Department at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
1997 Summer Institute, Computerized Language Proficiency Test, National Foreign Language Resource Center, San Diego, CA.
1996 Summer Institute on the Use of WWW in Teaching and Learning, National Language Resource Center, Hawaii.
1996 ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview Workshop (ESL), Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C. (completion of training in OPI/ESL).
1995 Master Court Interpreter Certification in Chinese (including Mandarin, Cantonese and Southern Fukienese), Administrative Office of the Courts, NJ.
1993 Tester Certificate, Simulated Oral Proficiency Test in Chinese, Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, D.C. (now a teacher-trainer for Chinese language teachers at various levels).
1985-92 Ph.D. in Linguistics, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Dissertation Title: A Case Study of Most Frequent Verbs in Chinese.
1980-83 MA in English Linguistics and Literature, Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University, Guangzhou (Canton), P.R.China. Thesis Title: On Additions and Omissions in Chinese-English Translation.
1980 Completion of undergraduate program in English, Guangzhou Foreign Languages College (Now known as Guangdong University of Foreign Studies), Guangzhou, China.